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词汇 blood flow
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blood flows───血液流

blood clot───血凝块,血块

blood clots───血栓;血凝块(血块)

blood fluke───[基医]血吸虫


bloody flux───血痢

blood feud───族仇;世仇

blood knot───血结,吊桶结

blood loss───[医]失血


Warm blood flow down from the wrist, I could feel your temperature.───温热的血液从手腕流下 、 我感受到了你的温度.

It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower.───它只在静脉里起作用,在静脉中血液流动更慢一些。

Objectives To discuss influence of liver blood flow in linton g spa.───目的探讨临潼矿泉对肝血流的影响.

Combined with reduced blood flow, neuropathy in the feet increases the chance of foot ulcers and eventual limb amputation.───部神经病变加上血流量减少,增大了足部溃疡和最终截肢的可能。

It occurs because blood flow gets reduced in that blood vessel.───它的发生是因为血管中的血流量减少了。

It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower.───它只在血液流动较缓的静脉中起作用。

Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.───按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。

Stimulating masks promote blood flow and firm up the skin.───刺激性面膜则可以促进血液循环并且使肌肤柔韧有力.

Significantly increase in coronary blood flow due to reduction of vascular resistance.───可增加冠状动脉流量,因为丹参能减低血管阻力.

The heart has valves to let blood flow in and out of it.───心脏有瓣膜控制血液流进流出.

By embolizing the vein, blood flow is redirected to other healthy pathways.───通过栓塞了静脉, 血流被引导进入其它健康的通路中.

Esophageal varices develop when normal blood flow to your liver is blocked.───食管静脉曲张发生在流入肝脏的正常血流被阻断时.

Your skin gets more blood flow, so you look younger.───当你的皮肤获得更多的血流量, 你会看起来更年轻.

This provides a new route for blood flow to the heart muscle.───这种方法为血流到达心肌提供了一条新的途径.

Decreased peripheral blood flow also alters drug distribution and metabolism.───外周血流减少也会改变药物的分布和代谢.

This widens the inside of the artery, restoring blood flow.───这样会扩展动脉的内腔, 达到恢复血流的效果.

These cells help relax arteries and ease blood flow.───这些细胞有助于动脉松弛和血流减缓.

Sports motions can cause the redistribution of viscera blood flow.───运动可引起内脏血流的重新分配.


The heart has valves to let blood flow in and out of it.

He wondered if contorting his neck increased blood flow to his brain somehow.

Studies using blood flow changes in normal volunteers have shown something similar.

Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.

It is possible that an increased mucosal blood flow due to the inflammation perse can contribute to increased absorption.

Other important methods measure regional changes in blood flow within the brain.

These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.

Increases in intracranial and extracranial blood flow have been observed in some patients during attacks.

The warm water would make the blood flow easily.

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