血块; 血凝块
blood clots───血栓;血凝块(血块)
blood flow───[生理]血流;[生理]血流量
blood knot───血结,吊桶结
blood cells───血细胞
blood count───血细胞计数;[临床]血球计数
blood flows───血液流
blood knots───血结,吊桶结
blood sport───流血运动;流血娱乐
blood cell───[组织]血细胞,血球
blood clot in a vein is called a venous thromboembolism (or VTE).───静脉中的血凝被称为静脉血栓(或者vte)。
My uncle had a surgery to remove a blood clot from his blood vessel.───我叔叔做了手术,移除了血管中的血块.
Other risk factors for clots were haing cancer and haing had a preious blood clot.───发生血栓的其他危险因素包括患有癌症和既往血栓形成史.
A brain scan revealed the blood clot.───脑部扫描检查发现了那个血块。
Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium. The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade.───注意暗红血凝块为心包积血, 可致心包填塞.
Is the vitamin with necessary place of normal blood clot?───正常血凝块所必要的维生素是?
Thrombosis: Formation of a Blood clot ( thrombus ) in the heart or a Blood vessel.───血栓形成: 在心脏或血管内形成血凝块 ( 血栓 ) 的一种病理现象.
A year ago he had a blood clot removed from his brain.───他脑内的血块一年前被取出了.
If a blood clot breaks away the aneurysm, it can block blood flow through the artery.───如果这些血液凝块从动脉瘤处脱落, 就有可能阻止穿过动脉的血流.
It is possible that the pressure is due a blood clot or a tumor.───压迫也有可能是由于血块或是肿瘤造成.
He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.───他需要紧急动手术以清除大脑中的一个血栓。
Platelets are one of the components required to make blood clot.───血小板是血液凝固的必须成分之一.
The drug is a recombinant protein, called Factor VIII , which is necessary to help blood clot.───该药是一种重组蛋白质, 叫第8因子, 能有效地帮助血液凝固.
a blood clot on the brain───大脑中的血块
Sometimes blood clot and chorionic villi the tube following rupture of an ectopic pregnancy.───如图中所示,输卵管妊娠处破裂后,血凝块和胎盘绒毛覆盖其上.
A blood clot occluded an artery to the heart.───血块阻塞动脉的核心.
Predicting where and when a blood clot will occur could prevent patients from getting coagulation disease.───预测何时、何处将会产生凝血,能够防止人们患上凝血不良带来的疾病.
Pulmonary embolus is blood clot formed somewhere else in the body that travels to the lung.───肺栓塞是由于在身体其它部位所(尤其腿部深度静脉中)形成的栓子游走滞留在肺动脉所形成的.
He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.───他需要进行紧急手术以清除脑部的一处血块。
Coagulation: Process of forming a Blood clot to prevent Blood loss from a ruptured vessel.───凝血: 指血液形成凝块的过程,以防止血管破裂后大量的血液流失.
Estrin a tiny skull fracture 8, with a blood clot forming underneath it.───原来埃斯特林头骨轻微骨折, 并在下面形成了一个血块.
Equally alarming: there was a blood clot in her brain.───同样惊人的是: 她的大脑里有一个血块.
He has a troublesome blood clot, the result of long hours on a plane.───他的健康状况一向不佳,如今更有点飘忽不定了.
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