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词汇 blending into
释义 blending into
blending into发音



blending in───混合,加入;调和

blend into───融入...;与...融合

blended into───融入...;与...融合

blends into───融入...;与...融合

blowing into───吹进某处;突然来到某处

breaking into───破门而入(breakinto的现在分词)

building into───使固定于;使成为组成部分

letting into───让…进入

reading into───曲解;加上另外的意思于;隐藏某种意义


of America, blending into Calexico, the border town that leads to the much larger Mexican industrial city of Mexicali.───美国边境,靠近规模比其大得多的墨西哥工业城市墨西卡利。

Its slender body turns into a cylinder as it stretches upward, with its bluish silver color blending into the sky.───它的身体修长,酷似一个蓝银色钢瓶,向上伸长,一直融入到天空去。

But soap only covers the smells, and after a time they return, faint, blending into a single scent of the day and work, a scent of work and day's end, of evening, of coming home and being at home.───但肥皂掩盖住了那些气味,过了一会儿,它们又轻微地出现,白天工作时那种单一的香喷喷的气味,是种工作、一天结束的香味,夜晚的香味,回到家并呆在家里的香味。

The next step is to cut both sides from the front hairline to the back, blending into the previous length.───下一步从两侧前面的发际线开始修建到背后,和之前的起的长度连接。

a giant, bloodthirsty werewolf able to cunningly adapt by blending into even the most innocent of surroundings.───一个巨人,嗜血成性的狼人能巧妙地适应了到即便是最无辜的环境融合。

Here are a number of animals that are true masters of disguise, blending into their environment to fool predators or prey.───有一些动物会利用身体的形状、颜色和纹理以及行为来让自己看起来和周围的环境完全融入。

Feng Lijuan, career consultant from 51job. com, emphasizes that the key phrase for blending into a team is "taking the initiative" .───来自前程无忧网站的职业咨询师冯丽娟强调融入一个新集体的关键词便是“采取主动”。

A new-concept bathroom, satisfying new tastes and modes of use, increasingly a shared area, blending into the other rooms in the home.───一个全新概念的浴室,满足了你们新的品位和使用方式,增加了一个共享区域,并且使其融入于屋子中的其他房间。


Frilled single - semi double pansy. rose shades blending into red. Slightly wavy, dark green. Standard.

The animals can become almost invisible by blending into the long grass.

Even with the attenuation factor blending into our lighting equation, still, the maximum amount of light a surface receives is (N. L).

The skipper turned out to be a quiet figure intent on blending into the woodwork.

This is a province of lovely undulating countryside mostly thickly wooden, blending into hills and mountains.





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