

词汇 your queen
释义 your queen
your queen发音



haul queen───拖运皇后

to queen───致女王

fairy queen───仙女皇后

haul queens───拉皇后

May queen───n.五月皇后(被选为五朔节庆祝活动女王的少女)

drag queen───男扮女装的男子同性恋者



But I am your Queen-no one tells me what to do. I don't hate Protestants, and I'm not going to kill them.───可我是你们的女王——没有人能告诉我该怎样做。我不憎恨新教徒,也不会杀害他们。

Can I get larger ones if I go to your queen-size department?───我能在你们的超大号部门找到较大尺寸的吗?

We have all felt those emotions in these last few days. So what I say to you now, as your queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart.───我们在过去几天里已经尝遍了这些情绪,所以我在此所言,是以一个女王,一个祖母的身份发自内心。

During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure.───当女王的这些年,来自我家庭的几代人的支持难以衡量。

For some years this was the home of your queen.───曾有些年头这里是你们王后的家。

You're telling me that I'm your queen . That nothing matches me.───你告诉我,我是你的女王,没有什么东西能配得上我。

Should you reach your queen, give her a message from the slaves of Old Volantis.───当你到你的女王那里时,记得带封来自古瓦伦提斯奴隶们的信。

yes. None of your Queen's Squares for us.───没错你那个皇后广场可一点都不适合我们

  • your cost
  • your skirt
  • your funny
  • your legs
  • your package
  • your gift
  • your queen
  • your dad
  • your dog
  • your at ease
  • your diary
  • your father
  • your sample text
  • your clothes
  • your box
  • your bro
  • your date
  • your boaparrot
  • yours truly
  • your english
  • your locglitch




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