

词汇 you know what
释义 you know what
you know what发音



you know who───你知道是谁

I know what───我知道吗


you know what I mean───你知道我的意思吗

to know best───最了解

you know───你知道

you what───你什么

if you know what I mean───如果你知道我的意思

not but what───尽管,但是


I say his behaviour is somewhat -- you know what I mean.───我说他的所作所为也太那个了.

Do you know what? I'm going to the circus this afternoon.───你知道吗?我下午要去看马戏。

You know what little boys are like with naughty words.───你知道小男孩们说下流话是什么样子。

You know what she's like. I wouldn't put it past her to call the police and say I stole them.───你知道她是个什么样的人。要是她打电话报警说我偷了它们,一点儿也不奇怪。

None of us stayed long. I mean, the atmosphere wasn't— well, you know what I mean.───我们都没呆太久。我的意思是,气氛并不是——唔,你知道我的意思。

Don't split hairs. You know what I'm getting at.───不要钻牛角尖。你知道我是什么意思。

Do you know what is AIDS?───你知道什么是艾滋病 吗 ?

" Do you know what you are doing is very risky?───“ 你可知道这事情是靠不住的.

" Do you know what'column left'means? "───“ 你知道'全队向左转'是什么意思 吗 ? ”

Do you know what lies behind her sudden departure for London?───你知道她突然去伦敦的原因 吗 ?

If you know what is wrong with her, please enlighten me.───如果你知道她出什么问题了,请告诉我。

Do you know what those idiots have done?───你知道那些傻瓜做了些什么吗?

Don't you know what stuff he is made of?───你知道他是什么货色 吗 ?

Do you know what our lunch at school consists of?───你晓得我们上学时候在饭馆里吃些什么?

Well, you know what they say. A new broom sweeps clean.───唉,你知道他们说什么。新官上任三把火。

Don't split hairs. You know what I'm getting at.───别钻牛角尖了。你知道我指什么。

Do you know what the consequences of your action will be?───你知道你的行为将会产生什么后果 吗 ?


Do you know what she said to him?

Do you know what I mean? --I think so.

Do you know what time it is?

Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component parts symbolise.

You know what this is all about, Natasha. Why pretend otherwise?

Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy ?

Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world, to not know why you're here.

You know what I'm talking about.

You know what I mean.

  • your cost
  • you do not face
  • you are see
  • you can a
  • youdon tmarry
  • you make me
  • you sick
  • young driver support program
  • your skirt
  • you i you i
  • you are enough
  • you can try
  • you got that
  • you are golden
  • you need
  • you are my wish
  • you aredrink
  • you have not
  • you first
  • your funny
  • youth camp




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