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词汇 yell at
释义 yell at
yell at发音




yell out───呼喊;大声地叫出

yell back───喊回来

bull ant───牛蚁

fell about───禁不住笑

fell apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

tell apart───区分;分辨

yellow alert───预备警报


Is that why Debra followed you in the kitchen, to yell at you?───那就是为什么黛布拉跟着你进厨房对你大喊大叫 吗 ?

Do not yell at me like that.───别对我那样喊叫.

Tim, you shouldn't yell at May . It wasn't her fault.───提姆, 你不该对梅大小声. 又不是她的错.

Don't yell at me.───别冲着我吼.

Women player like to yell at their opponent.───女选手喜欢向对手喊叫.

So if you're going to yell at somebody, you yell at me, okay?───所以如果你想喊, 就朝我喊, 好 吗 ?

Do not yell at me.───别对我嚷嚷.

She would yell at me in front of my colleagues. Can't you do things right?───她还会当着其他同事的面冲我大喊大叫, 你怎么老做错 呢 ?

Don't yell at me like that!───别对我这么叫!

A: Why did you yell at him?───你为什么对他大吼?

Back off! There's no need to yell at me.───走开点!没必要对我大喊大叫。

How can you yell at an old man like that?───你怎么能对一位老人那样大喊大叫?

I can't hug him, or make his breakfast, or yell at him about walking on my carpets with his cleats or cheer for him at his games.───我无法拥抱他,或者给他做早餐,或者冲他嚷嚷不让他穿着钉鞋在我的地毯上踩来踩去,或者在赛场为他欢呼。

Don't yell at it. The poor thing must be scared to death.───别吼它了. 这可怜的家伙一定差点被吓死了.

I saw her yell at her mother yesterday.───我昨天看到她对她妈妈大吼大叫.

Please don't yell at me." She began to sniffle.───请不要对我大嚷大叫。”她开始啜泣起来。

Don't yell at me. It's not my fault.───别冲着我吼, 那可不是我的错.

"Please don't yell at me." She began to sniffle.───“请不要对我大喊大叫。”她啜泣起来。


They always yell at each other.

Don't you yell at me like that!

He had a desire to yell at her, Why?

Back off! There's no need to yell at me.

Back off! There is no need to yell at me.

Jeez, don't yell at me - I'm just telling you what she said!

Stonewho would sometimes yell at her for being slow in tying her sneakers.

"Please don't yell at me." She began to sniffle.

Don't yell at me like that!

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