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词汇 written up
释义 written up
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written out───写出;取消某角色;誊写

write up───写文章赞扬;提高资产等的账面价值;详细记载;补写

writes up───写文章赞扬;提高资产等的账面价值;详细记载;补写

written in───写入;写信提出(请求等);在选票上加写(非原定候选人的名字)

;ighten up───发亮;变得明亮起来

written off───已注销

fatten up───使肥胖

fitted up───装配,装合;装备

gotten up───起床,起立;建造;增加;打扮;伪造


The first outline of the spending review will be written up.───首先将写好粗线条的预算评审。

The case was written up in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.───此病例发表在《临床口腔正畸学》杂志上。

No, it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.───不,永远不要问:也许我会看到它被写在某个地方。

One of my Catholic high school teachers was later revealed to be a repeat child molester. . . written up in the newspaper and everything.───一个天主教高中教师后来被曝光是猥亵儿童的惯犯,上了报纸等所有媒体。

James got to coach the game, but he also got written up by his supervisor and busted to a lower seniority level.───詹姆斯去给他儿子的球队当教练了,但他也被主管书面警告并降级。

Eventually it was even written up in the New York Times that this review wasn't getting published, so finally some version of it did appear.───后来,《纽约时代》甚至详细描述了这篇评论如何没有得到发表,最后出现了各种版本的故事。

or SOP, written up in an employee handbook for her job and for the front counter.───记载在她的职务和柜台职员的员工手册内。

I said I would not stay here, she thought, would never have my name written up above a permanent shop, for my plans were to remain fluid.───我说过我不会待在这儿的,她想,不会把自己的名字写在一个永久性商店上,我的计划是不要固定下来。

The outcomes of these visits are then written up by the consultants in a briefing paper for the Review Panel in advance of the Panel visit.───顾问随后会整理考察成果,并在检讨委员小组进行考察前向其提交书面报告。


Have you written up that report yet?

The research will be written up as it proceeds, and will be published in 1986.

Parliamentary proceedings are written up and published in the daily Hansard.

It got written up in Details and now is more famous than ever.

There you can see the slogan written up on the wall.

The driver was written up for he had parked his car in the street.

The incident was written up in the local newspaper.

She has not written up her data for publication.

Our experiment was written up into a report.

  • written confirmation
  • written accounts
  • written test
  • written consent
  • written up at work




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