write off───勾销;取消;很快地写好
written off───已注销
cries off───取消前约;打退堂鼓
dries off───烘干,弄干
drives off───赶走,击退
wipes off───除去;还清;洗刷
write offs───勾销;取消;很快地写好
writes out───写出;取消某角色;誊写
The library writes off a certain quantity of books each year.───图书馆每年都注销一定数量的图书。
Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose.───不管你是否很好地利用了这笔时间,每天晚上它会照例把这笔时间作为遗失注销。
Each year, Don writes off between ten and twenty thousand dollars, and he estimates that he is owed around three hundred thousand dollars in total.───每年唐都要收下一两万美元的欠条,据他估算总数有三十万美元。
Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever you have failed to put to use.───它每天晚上都写到了,因为失去了,不管你有没有投入使用。
The world sometimes writes off Europe as the old continent, well past the vigour of youth and doomed to gentle decline;───世界往往将欧洲视为失落的大陆,失去了新兴国家所拥有的活力,注定会缓慢的走向衰落。
The unpaid balance of a loan that a lender writes off as a bad debt. Accounts receivable that will likely remain uncollectable and will be written off.
- writes of assistance of 1761
- writes the letter
- writes millinium or accomodate crossword
- writes briefly to crossword puzzle clue
- writes illegibly crossword