

词汇 birds of passage
释义 birds of passage
birds of passage发音



bird of passage───漂泊不定的人,过路的客人;[鸟]候鸟

bird of passages───漂泊不定的人,过路的客人;[鸟]候鸟

a bird of passage───候鸟

rite of passage───n.通过仪式;人生大事及其庆祝仪式(常用复数形式表示)

birds of paradise───风鸟

bird of peace───鸽子

rite of passages───n.通过仪式;人生大事及其庆祝仪式(常用复数形式表示)

rites de passage───过渡仪式

air passage───气道;通风槽


Woodcocks are birds of passage, here today and gone tomorrow.───山鹬是一种候鸟, 今天在这里,明天在那里.

During autumn nights, thousands of birds pass directly above the megalopolis, a passage generally unnoticed by its human inhabitants.───在秋季的夜晚,成千上万的鸟从这座大都市的上空径直飞过,而人类居民通常却浑然不知。

The island had been used by many generations of birds of passage, as they made the long journey south each year in search of warmer weather.───多年来,候鸟每次长途南飞寻找天气更暖和的地方时,它们都把这个岛当作栖息地。

Literary travelers add a whole new layer of meaning to the phrase "birds of passage"; they are tourists who seek out places of significance to the literary world.───文学旅行者给“候鸟”这个短语增加了一层全新的含义,他们往往能找到在世界文坛上有重要意义的地点。

The dancers are birds of passage. Every year they go on a world tour.───这些舞蹈演员飘泊不定, 每年他们都随团在世界各地巡回演出.


Most of these emigrants were birds of passage who returned to Spain after a relatively short stay.

At present the organization has to rely on young, inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.

  • birds of paradise




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