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词汇 worn away
释义 worn away
worn away发音






torn away───强行拉走;强迫...离开

warn away───警告离开

wore away───磨损;消磨;流逝

warns away───警告远离

burn away───烧掉;继续燃烧;逐渐消失

tore away───强行拉走;强迫...离开

turn away───避开;解雇;不准…入内;走开;转过脸

to run away───逃跑

warned away───被警告离开


The inscription on the coin had worn away.───铸在这枚硬币上的文字已磨平了。

The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai.───数以千计的游客的脚步磨损了泰山上的台阶。

steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.───成千上万的朝圣者把台阶踏得磨损了。

During using the large pressure machine, the friction piece of clutch is often worn away and frequently replaced.───在大型压力机使用过程中,摩擦离合器中的摩擦片磨损非常严重,更换频繁。

The sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had worn away.───这块招牌已看不清楚,因为大部分字已磨掉了。

The construction of Stonehenge, the original rough surface planing, the sharp edge will be worn away into a smooth arc.───巨石阵的建造者,将原本粗糙的表面刨光后,锐利的边缘也会磨掉成平滑的弧度。

He ran a long skinny finger over the letters, as though he could restore what had been worn away with time and use.───他用长且瘦削的手指抚摸着这些字母,好像能够修复这些因时间和多次使用而造成的磨损。

The textile sector is a huge employer with threadbare margins that have been worn away by currency appreciation and rising input costs.───纺织行业提供了大量的就业机会,而它的利润却被人民币升值及日益上涨的投入成本所蚕食。

but with some it comes gradually, as a stone may be worn away by the ceaseless fall of a drop of water.───但对一些人来说,来的却是缓慢的,像一块石头被不断落下的水滴逐渐磨损。


Most of the grass had already been worn away by the spectators.

The inscription on the coin had worn away.

My patience is almost worn away by their endless quarrel.

The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.

Rocks weather until they are worn away.

The inscription has worn away and can no longer be read.

The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai.

The inscriptions on the gravestones were worn away.

The letters on this gravestone have been worn away with time.

  • worn out
  • worn down




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