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词汇 world health organization
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World Health Organization───世界卫生组织

World Trade Organization───世界贸易组织(产生于关贸总协定的乌拉圭谈判,其目的是为促进多边贸易谈判和协议而成立的。)

social organization───社会组织

travel organization───旅行社

voluntary organization───自发组织;民办团体;志愿组织

advocacy organization───游说组织

front organization───前线组织

nonprofit organization───非营利性机构

relief organization───救济组织


World Health Organization ( WHO ) what be to healthy definition?───世界卫生组织 ( WHO ) 对健康的定义是 什么 ?

That's according to the World Health Organization.───这项数据是世界卫生组织发布的.

Next Monday is World Health Day, observed the World Health Organization.───下个星期一是由世界卫生组织发起的世界健康日.

The World Health Organization declared TB a public health emergency in 1993.───世卫组织在1993年宣布TB成为一种公共紧急事件.

The World Health Organization says malnutrition in children can lifelong health problems.───世界卫生组织称儿童营养不良可以导致危及终身的健康问题.

Nations prepare as World Health Organization raises the alert level.───国内为世卫组织提升警报级别做好准备。

The WHA is the decision - making authority for the World Health Organization.───世界卫生会议就是世界卫生组织的决策机制.

The World Health Organization developed the DOTSC program in nineteen ninety.───世界卫生组织在1990年制定了DOTSC节目.

Roberto Bertollini of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in Geneva, Switzerland.───世界卫生组织总部位于瑞士日内瓦.

The world Health Organization declared TB a public health emergency in 1993.───世卫组织在1993年将结核病定义为公众健康急症.

The findings have not yet been confirmed by the World Health Organization.───化验结果还未经世界卫生组织验证.

Next Monday is World Health Day observed by the World Health Organization.───下个月是世界卫生日,由世界卫生组织设立.

The World Health Organization said the powder is okay for food.───世界卫生组织曾说该粉末可用于食品中.

She joined the World Health Organization later that year.───她于2003年晚些时候加入了国际卫生组织.

The World Health Organization declared TB a public health emergency in 1993.───世卫组织在1993年宣布tb成为一种公共紧急事件.


The World Health Organization is an United Nationals agency.

According to the World Health Organization, 80,000 to 160,000 HIV infections occur annually through unsafe injections.

That's according to the World Health Organization.

The World Health Organization is a United Nations Agency.

The World Health Organization has recognized alcoholism as a disease since 1951.

The working group call for UNAIDS and the World Health Organization to gather a panel of experts to develop updated guidance on these and other ethical issues relating to such research.

Elsewhere in the world, according to World Health Organization statistics, both new and re-emerging infectious diseases are raging.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has implicitly disputed claims by the Gambian president Yahya Jammeh that he has found a cure for HIV/AIDS.

She joined the World Health Organization later that year.

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