

词汇 word of mouth
释义 word of mouth
word of mouth发音




word of mouths───口碑;口口相传


by word of mouth───口头地

ward of courts───法庭监护

Lord of Hosts───万军之主(等于上帝);耶和华

end of month───[会计]月末;月底

ward of court───法庭监护


He agreed by word of mouth.───他口头上同意了.

The story has been passed down by word of mouth.───这个故事是口头流传下来的。

These stories were transmitted by word of mouth.───这些故事经过口耳相传.

I have informed him by word of mouth.───我已口头通知他了。

CIC is the leading Internet Word of Mouth ( IWOM ) research and consulting firm in China.───上海佳艾商务信息咨询有限公司(CIC)是中国领先的网络口碑 ( IWOM ) 研究和咨询公司.

The goal is their repeat business and their word of mouth referral to friends and colleagues.───目标是使得他们的体验能够在他们的朋友和同事之间口碑相传.

Xinhua said information about the opening was not publicized but was by word of mouth.───新华社说,没有公布开业的消息,消息是口头传开的.

But now, most people do not acknowledge this fact by word of mouth.───可看当今社会, 我看绝大多数人在舆论上都不承认这个事实.

My products aren't based on advertising hype, they sell by word of mouth.───我的产品销售靠的不是天花乱坠的广告宣传,而是良好的口碑。

The news spread by word of mouth.───这消息是口头传开的。

Only by word of mouth, from mind to mind, could they pass on the secret.───他们只有靠用嘴巴才能把他们头脑中的秘密传来传去.

The news of their affair was spread by word of mouth.───有关他们风流韵事的消息在人们口头上传开了.

I have informed them by word of mouth.───我已口头通知他们了.

The interest seems to be word of mouth rather than the advertising so far.───比起做广告,对电影的关注看起来还是口口相传的.

Xinhua said information about the opening was not publicized but was transmitted by word of mouth.───新华社说,没有颁布开业的信息,信息是口头传开的.

Rumors of Shawn being fired spread quickly throughout the company by word of mouth.───肖恩被解雇的谣言很快的在公司透过口耳相传传遍了.


Most manuscripts postdate the stories which have circulated by word of mouth for centuries.

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