

词汇 woolly hat
释义 woolly hat
woolly hat发音



woolly bear───灯蛾毛虫

coolie hat───苦力帽

silly hat───愚蠢的帽子

wool fat───羊毛脂




woolly aphid───绵蚜

woolly bears───灯蛾毛虫


What a lovely woolly hat!───多么可爱的一顶羊毛帽啊!

woolly hat and padded hood are no match for minus 43C either, and my ears begin to sting.───羊毛帽子和带垫衬的兜帽也对付不了零下43度的严寒,我的耳朵开始感到刺痛。

She wore this woolly hat with pompoms.───她戴着这顶带绒球的羊毛帽。

I recognised the smaller one from the day before as he was once again wearing a woolly hat despite the heat.───我认出那个小一点的就是昨天看见过的,因为尽管天气很热,他还是戴了一顶绒线帽。

'We haven't done anything wrong, ' said Ms. Tucker, a mother of two adult sons, wearing a multicolored parka and woolly hat.───两个儿子都已成年的芭芭拉说,我们没做错什么事情。

Goal of the week: To learn; socks, shoes, woolly hat, dress, trainers, sweater, coat and skirt.───本周目标:学习(单词):袜子,鞋子,羊毛帽,连衣裙,运动鞋,毛衣,外衣和短裙。

Goal of the week: To learn; socks shoes woolly hat dress trainers sweater coat skirt bone and mat.───本周目标:学习(单词):袜子,鞋子,羊毛帽,连衣裙,旅游鞋,毛衣,外衣,短裙,骨头和垫子。


I take off my woolly hat and try it on.

She wore a red woolly hat and scarf and gloves, which Emma had bought her, and a dark belted mac.

Leonard Nimoy always wears his lucky woolly hat on set. 20.

She wore this woolly hat with pompoms.

Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat.

I wish I had my woolly hat on, not my straw one.

He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

a woolly hat with a bobble on top.

Reduce global warming by wearing a woolly hat.

  • woolly monkeys
  • woolly mammoth
  • woolly kids
  • woolly rhino
  • woolly howl




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