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词汇 wooden bench
释义 wooden bench
wooden bench发音



wooden fence───木栅栏

golden beach───金色的海滨

wooden deck───木甲板

wooden board───木板

wooden desk───木制书桌

wooden leg───木制的腿

wooden legs───木制的腿

wooden seat───木制座椅

wooden shack───木屋


Outside a small store we sat down on a low wooden bench and, sheltered by a high wall, we communicated partly by writing on the ground with a bottle top.───我们在一家小店外的木头长凳上坐下,外面有高墙挡风。我们的交流部分要借助用啤酒瓶盖在地上写字。

A red wooden bench was put on the lowest level, and the shrine was covered in glitter so when the head-lamps from the miners wander around, it will reflect a magical shine.───最低处放置了一条红色的木头长凳,神龛四壁布满了反光点,当矿工的头灯环顾四周时,它们会反射出魔幻的光彩。

A staircase ascends to a first floor accommodating two bedrooms, a bathroom and a lounge that opens out onto a large balcony with a simple wooden bench and views of the surrounding neighbourhood.───楼梯上升到一楼,包括两间卧室,一间浴室和一个休息室,通往设有简单木凳的大阳台,可欣赏周围社区的风景。

He and I sat on a wooden bench outside the KB Toys Store watching the kids as they ran wildly in and out of the store.───他和我坐在KB玩具店外面的木长椅上看孩子们异常兴奋地跑进跑出。

This is actually a boy sitting on the wooden bench (Honest! ). The kitten is only a few days old.───坐在这个木制桌子上的其实是一个男孩。那只小猫才几天大。

In the garden wooden bench has been short sweetheart's laughing heartily, still alone lying down nearby thick patch of grass.───园中的木长椅少了情人的欢笑,兀自孤零零的躺在草丛边。

Hiro laughed wickedly as the old man's body slammed the pew, the gun shots penetrating the wooden bench, breaking through.───希罗邪恶的大笑着,看着老人的身体撞上长椅,子弹穿透了木质的椅子,打破了它们。

I sit on a wooden bench as a perky South African describes how they go about creating cultured pearls.───我坐在木凳上,一位快乐的南非人给我讲解了他们是怎样培育珍珠的。

The pegs are red, green, yellow, and blue, and can be pounded into the wooden bench using the hammer.───木块为红、黄、绿、蓝几种颜色,可以用木锤将木桩敲进木椅。


In the meantime I enclose a selection of wooden bench designs.

Victorine perched in the darkness on a wooden bench with no back, feet dangling over the steep invisible ground.

There was a long wooden bench under the window, littered with instruments and jars.

They ordered gins, and sat on a wooden bench before a wooden table, while Karen admired the place.

At the police station Rita sat on a wooden bench and answered questions.

Here are old buses with wooden bench seats, and farmers riding donkeys.

She sat motionless on a wooden bench, her violet chiffon dress caught on splinters.

He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.

And as the camera glides, it passes a couple sitting on a single, simple wooden bench overlooking the garden.

  • wooden logs
  • wooden house
  • wooden spoon
  • wooden boxes
  • wooden horn




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