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词汇 winter wheat
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winter wheats───冬小麦

winter coat───冬衣

winter wren───鹪鹩

winter wrens───冬鹪鹩


winter heating───冬季供暖

winter weather───冬季天气

winter cherry───酸浆

center wheel───中心轮


He embarked on the preparations for planting winter wheat immediately after he had finished harvesting corn.───他收割完地里的玉米,开始准备冬小麦的播种.

Wheat farmers there traditionally plant winter wheat one year, leave the field fallow for a season, and use conventional tillage before the next wheat planting.───传统上,那里的小麦种植户每年都种植冬小麦,让土地休耕一季,在下一年小麦种植时应用常规耕作方法。

The multiple - ear varieties of winter wheat are recommended when using this method.───冬小麦适宜选用多穗型品种.

There are winter wheat, corn, Millet, beans.───主要有冬小麦 、 玉米 、 糜子 、 豆类.

Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die.───他的兴亡如冬天的小麦, 但这些名字永远不会死.

Among them, winter wheat sows an area firm in have litre.───其中, 冬小麦播种面积稳中有升.

Soft red winter wheat - poor holding firm, and soybean exports premium stationary.───软红冬小麦基差持坚, 而大豆出口升水持稳.

Phytotoxicity of chlorobenzene on winter wheat and rape, respectively were reported in the present investigation.───研究了氯代苯与冬小麦、油菜毒性的关系.

Men fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die.───人的生命有如冬麦般脆弱, 但是这些名字将永垂不朽.

Their goats are eating winter wheat again.───他家的羊又啃青了,啃掉的那些可都是越冬小麦啊!

Winter wheat plants are prone to spring frost injury once strong cold air invades.───小麦拔节后抗寒力迅速减弱,遇强冷空气侵入会发生霜害.

Following the amount of N - fertilizer added, flowering stage of winter wheat was deferred.───氮肥用量增加, 小麦开花期推迟.

Lao Zhang suggested sowing winter wheat on the good land.───老张建议在好地上种冬小麦.

The climate changes affect the climate output of winter wheat with a remarkable periodicity.───气候变化对冬小麦气候产量的影响具有明显的周期性.

To accurately assess characteristic of winter wheat response to water field.───为全面有效地评价冬小麦品种对水分的反应特性.

Overall, planted area for winter wheat increased by only 4 %, compared with a previously expected 8 %.───总体而言, 冬小麦的种植面积仅增长了4%, 而先前的预期增幅则是8%.

Some will plant winter wheat, but it will be sown late and will not pay, not enough to cover the costs of reclaiming the land.───有的会种冬小麦,但种得太晚也不会有什么好的收成,况且也没有足够的钱来恢复土地。

Worries are focused on dry weather in the northern hemisphere, which is affecting next year's winter wheat crop - planted recently - in producers such as the us and Russia.───忧虑情绪的重点是,北半球的干旱气候会影响美国、俄罗斯等产粮大国明年的冬小麦收成——这些小麦最近刚刚播种下去。


In the US, winter wheat is harvested in the early summer.

But, under winter wheat, the income would be £9600.

In this paper, the winter wheat have been led into the coarse and fine sand soil region to interplant peanut with it for two crops a year.

Under condition of field cultivation, winter wheat Yumai 49 were sprayed with GA3, NBT, 6-BA, TIBA, PP333 to study their effect on process of flag leaf senescence and yield constituents.

Holiday sales were slightly above 1994 levels. Winter wheat crop reported to be in fair-to-good condition.

The breeding technique of increasing generations for winter wheat sown in summer using cool conditions of an air-raid shelter were studied for 5 years in 1984—1988.

Deals with the physiological adaption of winter wheat seedling's root to soil drought.

Winter wheat has made it at home on the Tibetan highlands.

Winter wheat crop reported to be in fair-to-good condition.

  • winter begins
  • winter song
  • wintergreen northern wear
  • winter days are far away
  • winter soldier
  • winter day
  • winter grip
  • winter warmers
  • winter here
  • winter holiday
  • winters kiss
  • winter garden
  • wintered upon it
  • winters title
  • winter sports
  • wintered earth
  • winter weather




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