n.遮光帘,百叶窗( window shade的名词复数 )
window shade───n.遮光窗帘;百叶窗
wind shakes───风摇曳
window frames───n.窗框;窗口框架
window panes───n.窗玻璃
window sashes───n.窗扇
window seats───n.窗座;靠窗座位
window shells───窗框
window taxes───窗税
window glasses───[建]窗玻璃;车窗玻璃
Pulling down the window shades subdued the light in the room.───拉下窗帘使房间的光线变暗了.
Pulling down the window shades subdued the light in the room.───拉下窗帘,房间里的光线变暗了。
I lowered all of the window shades so people couldn't see in.───我把所有的窗帘都放了下来,这样人们就看不见里面了。
What window shades?" asks the baker.───什么窗帘?”面包师问道。
Window shades were drawn against the afternoon sun and the light in the house had an amber cast.
A broken toaster and sev-eral ripped window shades were crammed in near a cracked welding gun and a rotting fence post.
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