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词汇 biological control
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biological controls───生物防治;[生物物理]生物控制

biological function───生物学功能;生物功能

biological mother───生母;亲生母亲

biological children───亲生的孩子

biological child───生物学上的子女;亲生子女

biological clock───生物钟

biological clocks───生物钟(biologicalclock的复数)

biological father───生父

biological mothers───生母;亲生母亲


Biological control is a promising approach to reduce the storage diseases of jujube fruit.───生物防治是控制枣果采后病害的研究新方向.

This event was pivotal in establishing biological control as a practical means of pest populations.───这件事对于建立生物控制从而有效地防治害虫起着至关重要的作用.

Micro - structure of materials has more remarkably biological control on proliferation and growth of cells.───材料表面的 微观 结构对细胞的生物调控作用更为重要.

Biological control is an ecologically sound approach to pest suppression.───生物防治是一种生态学上的很好解决为害物的方法.

Aerospace mutation could be used as to obtain new entomopathogenic strain for biological control.───航天诱变为选育生物防治优良菌株提供了新途径.

In nature , there are amphibious, repti 1 e and mammalia to prey on mosquito adult as ameans of biological control.───蚊虫成虫期的生物防治主要为自然界中的捕食者如两栖类 、 爬行类和哺乳类等动物.

Natural enemies , especially species of Torymidae, are considered as efficient biological control agents.───它有许多天敌, 尤其是长尾小蜂, 被认为是有效的生物防治手段.

The biological control was focused on the selection of antagonism.───生物防治重点在拮抗菌的筛选上.

problems of biological control in the tea ecosystem is discussed.───讨论了茶园生物防治有待于进一步探讨的问题。

Fungal pathogens are important natural biological control agents of aphids.───病原真菌是蚜虫的重要自然控制因子.

Scope: Vector for biological control work. Vectorbiological control work.───经营范围: 病媒生物防治工.

So it is with the science of biological control in its modern sense. in american it had its obscure beginnings a century ago.───现代的生物控制论就是如此。一百年前,这门学科在美国开始创立时也是隐隐约约的。

Physical, chemical and biological control and curative measures are discussed.───介绍了从物理 、 化学和生物方面出发所采取的防治措施.

This chapter is spent on three classic case of successful biological control.───本章着重于生物防治的三个成功的经典例子.

The biological control progress of beet armyworm and the prospect were reviewed.───本文综述了甜菜夜蛾生物防治进展以及对生物防治的展望.

Biological control has been used in many parts of the world.───生物防治曾经在世界许多地方使用.

Egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma are widely used in biological control against Lepidopterous pests.───赤眼蜂属是生物防治中广泛用来防治鳞翅目害虫的一类重要天敌昆虫.

parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma are widely used in biological control against Lepidopterous pests.───赤眼蜂属是生物防治中广泛用来防治鳞翅目害虫的一类重要天敌昆虫。


Pest control in organic agrotechnique should take biological control as dominant means, agricultural control as its basis.

In classical biological control, a natural enemy is introduced to control an organism that has become a pest in its absence.

The paper reviewed the progress on biological control of tree of heaven prospected the strategy in management of the weed in China.

This paper summarized Ectropis obliqua Prout s biological control researches from the point of mass rearing, pathogenic natural enemy, predator, parasitoid and pheromone.

Biological control has been used in many parts of the world.

If they did the biological control would fail.

Trichoderma spp. are important fungis as biological control agents and have been commercially applied against many fungal pathogens.

Biological control is an ecologically sound approach to pest suppression.

Spray with a suitable insecticide or use biological control.

  • biological age
  • biological throwback
  • biological basis
  • biological activity
  • biological warfare
  • biological process




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