

词汇 wild flowers
释义 wild flowers
wild flowers发音

n.野花( wild flower的名词复数 )


wild flower───野花




disc flowers───花盘



ice flowers───冰花

pick flowers───攀折花木


The winds came down with the scents of the grass and wild flowers.───风吹来了青草和野花的清香.

Wild flowers adorned the river bank.───野花饰满岸边.

The country is covered with wild flowers.───野花遍地.

The Dart is a delightful river with a profusion of wild flowers along its banks.───达特河是一条令人心旷神怡的河,岸边到处开着野花。

His two sons went into the fields to pick wild flowers.───阿四和阿多去到田里采野花.

The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.───空气中弥漫着野花的芬芳。

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.───兰花和报春花这类野花越来越稀少了.

The forest floor was carpeted with wild flowers.───森林的地面上开满了野花。

Some wild flowers are growing in a corner of the garden.───花园的一角长了一些野花.

The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers.───微风送来阵阵青草和野花的香气.

Wild flowers such as primroses are becoming rare.───之类的野花越来越稀罕了。

The lane was lined with wild flowers.───小路两边都是野花。

Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.───美丽的蝴蝶在野花上方飞舞。

Hedgerows and meadows are thick with a tapestry of wild flowers.───灌木树篱和草地中开满了五彩缤纷的野花。

wild flowers growing by the wayside───路旁长的野花

The meadow is peopled with wild flowers.───草地长满了野花.

Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.───尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。


Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.

Wild flowers and grasses rimmed the little pond.

Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.

The river is fringed with wild flowers.

Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.

The forest floor was a carpet of wild flowers.

The remedies are all prepared from wild flowers.

Wild flowers adorned the river bank.

The meadow is peopled with wild flowers.

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