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I don't know why the guy yelled at me. And as for going back there, certainly I would never go back, for fear of receiving further abuse.───我不知道为什么这个家伙冲我吼叫。至于回到那儿去,我肯定永远也不会回去了,生怕遭到更多的虐待。

Wretched woman, he thought, why the hell can't she wait?───讨厌的女人,他想,她怎么就不能等等呢?

The army has not yet proffered an explanation of how and why the accident happened.───军队还没有提供对该事故如何发生以及为什么发生的解释。

These are reasons why the US dollar is often used for payment and settlement of international trade between non-US economies.───正是基于这个原因,非美元经济体系之间的国际贸易,往往都以美元来作支付及结算。

One of the reasons why the price did not fluctuate so much is that big corn buyers have learned to avoid loss by hedge trade.───价格波动不那么大的一个原因是,谷物的大买家已学会了进行套期保值交易以避免损失。

The reason why the early abortion is often lacking, the performance corpus luteum thyroid performance beneath, chromosome special, etc.───初期流产的原由常为黄体性能欠缺、甲状腺性能低贱、染色体特别等。

Robbins said he did not know why the spying device was activated as his laptop had not been reported stolen or missing.───Robbins说在他的笔记本没有报告被偷窃或是丢失时,他不知道他里面的间谍系统被激活了。

That it does not perhaps explains a bit of why the ministry's credit rating can be so high.───也许这也能多少解释为什么铁道部的信用评级如此之高吧。

One day, I said to him: "My baby, why the apples fall down to the ground, never fly to the sky? "───有一天,我问他:“宝贝,为什么苹果掉在地上,而不往天上飞呢?”


No one understands why the government takes such an obstructive policy.

He didn't quite understand why the deal fell through.

No-one knows why the train derailed.

She wondered why the previous job holder had left.

Do you know why the river narrows here?

I have no idea why the television isn't working.

The black box showed why the plane had crashed.

It is still not clear why the missile veered off course.

Do you know why the door is locked?

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  • why is it that
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  • why is the weekend beat up
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