white matters───[解剖]白质(脑及脊髓的)
waste matter───[环境]废物
what matter───什么事
white meter───白表
white water───浪花;溅起白色浪花的水面
waste matters───[环境]废物
white feather───白羽毛(怯懦的象征);胆怯,害怕
white leather───白革;矾鞣革
white settler───白人移民定居者
Relative cerebral cortex ofbrain white matter, also known as the medulla.───相对大脑皮质白质又称为大脑髓质.
Cerebellar white - matter was severely involved, but the grey - matter nucleus were not involved.───以小脑半球白质受累最为严重, 但其灰质核团未见受累.
SRR max of white matter in SE EPI and GE EPI was 8.07 % , 13.68 %, respectively.───白质的srrmax则为8.07% 、 13.68%.
Gray matter has more fluid than white matter , making it easy to distinguish between the two.───灰质比白质含有更多的液体, 因此很容易在这两者之间区分.
Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem.───此病变多位于基底节 、 白质深部 、 脑干.
MRI demonstrated abnormal signals, thickness of optic nerve and white matter lesions in brain.───mri可表现为视神经异常信号和视神经增粗,部分患者伴有脑白质异常.
The amount of white matter (connections between nerves) was similar across the two groups.───两组孩子脑部相同部位的白质(灰质间的连接物)的数量相近。
Cross - section of the brain is divided into white matter and matter.───大脑的 断面 分为白质与灰白质.
She reports in her recent study a marked difference in the white matter of the binge drinkers.───在近期的研究,她报告说,发现了酗酒人员的大脑白色物质中有显著差异。
So using brain imaging, she focused on the white matter, or nerve tissue, of the brain.───因此,观察大脑成像时,她将注意力放在大脑的白色物质即神经组织上。
The distinction between grey and white matter is lost.───灰质和白质的区别不清.
Conclusion EAE is characterised by perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration and demyelination in white matter.───结论EAE的病理改变主要为血管周围炎性浸润及白质脱髓鞘.
Large areas of white matter hyperintensity also were examined.───同时检查了大面积的白质高密度.
In patients with MCI, researchers identified regions of brain atrophy and increased water content white - matter areas.───研究人员找到了MCI病人脑萎缩的区域,发现白质区的水容量增加.
On the next lower slice, extension of the infarct into white matter is seen.───在下一页更低的层面, 可以看到延伸至白质的梗塞灶.
MRI showed abnormal image in the spinal, white matter, thalamus and pons.───MRI示脊髓 、 脑白质 、 丘脑和桥脑均受累.
On MR, these white matter lesions have the same signal characteristics as cortical tubers.───在磁共振上, 白质病变的信号特点类似皮质结节.
The extensive white matter petechial hemorrhages seen here are typical for fat embolism syndrome.───广泛的白质瘀点瘀斑是脂肪栓塞的典型表现.
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