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词汇 wheat germ
释义 wheat germ
wheat germ发音




wheat germs───小麦的胚芽,麦芽


wheat beers───[食品]小麦啤酒

wheat beer───[食品]小麦啤酒



wheat field───麦田;麦地

wheat sheaf───小麦层

cheat meal───放纵餐;欺骗餐


Wheat germ oil may be replaced with flax seed oil.───小麦胚芽油可用亚麻籽油取代.

Contain Lemon , Lavender, Rose, Sage , Patchouli and Geranium essential oils Wheat germ oil.───眼部调理精油含玫瑰 、 薰衣草 、 茴香、檀香、玫瑰草 、 棒果油等成分.

This gentle peeling , containing natural Kaolin and wheat germ, easily peels and cleanse abrasive particles.───其含有天然的高岭土和麦芽,能有效去除角质 、 黑头.

Extraction of oil from the wheat germ defatted wheat germ.───脱脂肪麦胚是小麦胚提油后的产品.

of zinc include whole grains, soy products, nuts and wheat germ.───的谷物,豆制品,坚果和麦芽都富含锌。

Ingredients: Grapepolyphenols, allantoin, wheat germ extract, hydrating factor and platycladi seed etc.───成份: 葡萄多酚 、 尿囊素 、 小麦胚芽精华 、 保湿因子、柏子仁.

Add Oreo crumb and wheat germ and blend well.───搅奥利奥饼和小麦胚芽进芝士内.

Wheat germ , a by product of flour milling , was developed to produce healthy protein beverage.───以制粉业的副产品小麦胚芽为原料, 开发研制符合人们生理健康需要的植物蛋白饮料.

Moisturizing essestial oil Contain Lemon , Lavender, Rose, Sage, Patchouli and Geranium essential oils - Wheat germ oil.───含檀香 、 熏衣草 、 玫瑰 、 鼠尾草 、 广藿香、天竺葵、葡萄籽油等成分.

It is found naturally in beans, leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, beet, wheat germ and meat.───它是天然存在于大豆, 绿叶蔬菜, 柑橘类水果, 甜菜, 小麦胚芽和肉类中.

The product is carefully made of silk peptide liquid from silk - quality wheat - germ oil, and softener, etc.───本品由蚕丝提取珍贵成分丝肽液、优质小麦胚芽油及润肤剂等多种成分精制而成.

Compared to other kinds of oil, the tocopherol content of wheat germ oil is fairly high.───与其它种类的植物油相比, 小麦胚油的天然维生素E含量很高.

The paper the Methods: The extraction and pure for most health factors the wheat germ.───介绍各种保健功能因子提取、纯化方法.

Your daily weapon against sun - damage. Light and non - greasy with wheat germ oil for extra conditioning.───有效对抗紫外线. 质地清爽不油腻,蕴含小麦胚芽油,提供额外滋润.

Mix Grain Powder: powder made of soybean lecithin, beer ferment, and wheat germ.───三宝粉: 大豆卵磷脂 、 啤酒酵母粉与小麦胚芽粉.

Olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil also naturally contain squalene, albeit in smaller amounts.───橄榄油,小麦胚芽油、米糠油中也含有天然的角鲨烯,但含量不多。

germ also offers a good mix of fiber, protein, and some good fat.───麦芽还能带给人们很棒的纤维、蛋白质和一些不错的脂肪。

Whitening essential oil Contain Lemon, Lavender, Rose, Sage, Patchouli and Geranium essential oils - Wheat germ oil.───含柠檬 、 熏衣草 、 玫瑰 、 鼠尾草 、 广藿香、天竺葵、小麦胚芽油等成分.


Wheat germ , a by product of flour milling , was developed to produce healthy protein beverage.

Applying the technology of microwave - heating, wheat germ was processed to inactivate enzymes.

Olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil also naturally contain squalene, albeit in smaller amounts.

Wheat Germ is the heart of the wheat berry.

The effect of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to promote the bacterial resistence of Penaeus orientalis was studied.

Add Oreo crumb and wheat germ and blend well.

Ingredients: Grapepolyphenols, allantoin, wheat germ extract,[] hydrating factor and platycladi seed etc.

The defatted wheat germ protein ( DWGP ) was prepared by alkaline extraction and subsequent isoelectric precipitation.

Their translation activities were measured in a wheat germ cell-free system.

  • wheat fanning




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