

词汇 went to be
释义 went to be
went to be发音



went to───准备做

went together───调和,一起走

have to be───必定是,无疑是

put to bed───安顿…去睡

went by───时间逝去;从……旁走过

went down───下跌,下来;蹲下

went for───追求


They went to be alone WITH their God - to know Him better, to meet Him face to face, and to be changed by Him.───他们是要去更好地了解上帝,和上帝面对面,被上帝所改变。

As time went on, his ambition to be part of the U.S. Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.───随着时间的推移,他要跻身美国最高法院的雄心壮志在酒精和绝望中消逝。

He went through a period of wanting to be accepted.───他经历了一段渴望得到接受的时期。

Maybe he went to be the technical director of the French Football Federation to get into maybe a little bit less of a pressurised job.───也许他去担任法国足协技术部的领导,是一份也许压力小一点的工作。

In our Bible lesson today, we'll see what dear old Joshua had to say to the people of Israel before he went to be with the Lord.───在我们今天的圣经故事里,我们要来看看在他生命中最后的时候,他要对以色列百姓说些什么。

The village people of an and four villages went to be never investigated by the person now from 2005, don't even say that solve problem.───四村的村民自2005年至现在从未被人调查过,更别说解决问题了。

My mum indifferntly smeared a little mercurochrome on my belly, said nothing, that's all, then she went to be busy cooking.───妈妈肤皮潦草地给我上了点红药水,什么都没说,然后就又忙着去做饭去了。

He enlisted in the Navy and went to be kitted up.───他报名参加了海军,并去配备了装备。

Difficult to Doze Off A somgwhere dreamy man went to be doctor and complained of being unable to sleep.───难以入睡有个迷迷糊糊的男人去看医生,并抱怨说自己总是不能睡着。


He enlisted in the Navy and went to be kitted up.

John the Baptist's third year, also went to be baptized Jesus.

Another day I went to be the volunteers for the silver wedding anniversary with my friends.

  • wentc mp ng
  • went up to sb
  • went skiing
  • went off
  • went over
  • went out of his way
  • went out for a walk
  • went to be
  • went wild
  • went out of
  • went back
  • went for
  • went slowly back to
  • went tothe
  • went past
  • went underwater
  • went to
  • went viral
  • went up to
  • went straight
  • went comping




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