

词汇 went over
释义 went over
went over发音


越过; 检查; 远行; 获得成功


get over───克服;恢复;熬过;原谅

left over───剩余,留下

win over───说服,胜诉;争取到…

wins over───说服,胜诉;争取到…

won over───说服,胜诉;争取到…

went over to───v.朝…走去

slept over───v.借宿,在别人家里过夜;忽视


The car went over into a ditch.───汽车翻到水沟里去了.

He went over and shook hands with his guests.───他走过去与客人们握手。

Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again, he went over to the window.───他意识到自己又开始头晕了,于是走向窗边。

I went over and struck up a conversation, and we got on like a house on fire.───我走过去搭讪聊天,我们一见如故。

Those who went over the wall were caught again.───那些越狱逃跑的人又被捉住了.

These actors went over very well with the audience.───这些演员深受观众们的欢迎.

She went over to her parents' house to pick up some clean clothes.───她去了趟父母家取些干净衣服。

He gave a choked cry, flailed his arms wildly for a moment, and then went over the edge.───他闷哼了一声,手臂乱挥了几下,就从边上摔了下去。

I went over to start up a conversation, asking her who she knew at the party.───我凑过去搭讪,问她这个聚会上都认识谁。

They would be killed if the car went over the cliff.───如果汽车翻在悬崖下,他们就会丧命.

They went over nationwide in search of uranium mines.───他们为了探寻铀矿走遍了全国.

I went over evenings and afterward stopped at the coffee and had a drink and read the papers.───我总是在傍晚去那儿,然后在咖啡屋里喝杯咖啡,看看报纸.

He went over the surfaces with a duster.───他用抹布擦干净了表面.

He fidgeted around, and then went over to Mr. Quincel.───他坐立不安地转来转去, 然后朝昆塞尔先生走去.

I went over to start up a conversation, asking her who she knew at the party.───我走过去攀谈起来,问她在聚会上都认识谁。

He went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.───他越过工会领导, 直接向全体员工发出呼吁.

The maid went over the room quickly with a duster.───那个女仆用掸子很快地给房间掸尘.

Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.───他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。


These actors went over very well with the audience.

He went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.

The ball went over the line.

He went over the river by ferry boat.

They went over nationwide in search of uranium mines.

He went over the surfaces with a duster.

They went over budget .

She went over the room with a duster.

That new musical went over in a big way.

  • wentc mp ng
  • went up to sb
  • went skiing
  • went off
  • went over
  • went out of his way
  • went out for a walk
  • went to be
  • went wild
  • went out of
  • went back
  • went for
  • went slowly back to
  • went tothe
  • went past
  • went underwater
  • went to
  • went viral
  • went up to
  • went straight
  • went comping




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