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词汇 wedding ring
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wedding rings───结婚戒指

bedding in───刮研;研配

wedding band───结婚戒指

leading rating───领先评级

leading reins───领导缰绳

swimming ring───n.游泳圈

teething ring───n.(婴儿长牙时咬的)橡皮环;塑胶环


As your wedding ring wears, your cares will wear away.───婚戒旧则忧虑休.

He started having me hold on to his wedding ring whenever we took a plane trip.───每次我们要飞行他就要我拿着结婚戒指.

The Wedding Ring Coffin is the perfect gift for yourself or closure after a spanorce.───结婚戒指棺材是离婚后送给自己或对方最完美的告别礼物.

Dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring.───多拉从未收到过这样的礼物;除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。

Dorothy has worn the couple's wedding ring all night.───整个晚上,多萝西都一直带着这对新人的婚戒.

When l wouldn't give him my wedding ring, he threw a can at a bird.───然后,当我不给他我的结婚戒指他用一个汽水罐扔鸟.

She confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring.───她向丈夫坦白她卖掉了结婚戒指.

She absently twisted her wedding ring.───她心不在焉地搓动着她的结婚戒指.

Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.───你的结婚戒指可以刻上个人题字不另收费。

The bride will place a gold wedding ring on third finger of the groom's left hand.───新娘把金戒指戴在新郎左手的第三个手指上.

Searchers found his wedding ring lying amid all the destruction at Ground Zero.───然而,两天后,心爱的人却永远离开了她,留下的只有一枚戒指--救援人员后来在世贸废墟中找到了.

I lost my wedding ring somewhere between the 5 th and the 8 th floor in this building.───我把我的结婚戒指丢失在这栋楼房的五楼到八楼之间的某个地方了.

Where's my ring? My dead grandmother's wedding ring.───我的戒指 呢 ?我过世的奶奶的结婚戒指呢?

Dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring.───多拉从未收到过这样的礼物; 除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物.哽咽无语,她把儿子一把揽入怀中.

She played nervously with her wedding ring; Don't fiddle with the screws.───她惴惴不安地玩弄着结婚戒指; 不要玩弄那些螺丝钉.

Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom.───把戒指戴在左手无名指上是一个古老的风俗.

A wedding ring symbolizes the union of the two partners.───结婚戒指象征着男女双方的结合.

It is a wedding ring.───这是结婚戒指.

A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.───结婚戒指象征已婚夫妇之间永恒的爱.

And so it was that I reluctantly removed my wedding ring and started for a mate.───就这样,我不情愿地摘掉了结婚戒指,开始物色对象了.

In this entire scene Cobb is wearing a wedding ring.───在这个全部场景中,Cobb戴着一个婚戒.

The wedding ring is probably the oldest and most widespread symbol of marriage.───结婚戒指也许是最古老的并广泛被认为是婚姻的象征.

Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?───你不会是把结婚戒指戴错手指了 吧 ?

Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.───可以免费在你的婚戒上刻上你的题字。

He's pledged his mother's wedding ring.───他把母亲的结婚戒指典当了.

I'm looking for a wedding ring for my fiancee.───我想给我的未婚妻买一枚戒指.

He even hocked his wife's wedding ring so he could gamble.───他甚至典当了妻子的结婚戒指用于赌博。

Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring.───它的白金环缩成个婚戒.

Jacquie showed her large wedding ring off to all her friends.───贾葵依把她那只超大的结婚戒指秀给所有的朋友看.

Why is a wedding ring always worn on the third finger?───为什么结婚戒指总是戴在第三只手指上?

This wedding ring is a symbol of our love.───这只结婚戒指象征着我们之间的爱情.


Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.

  • wedding veil
  • wedding dinner
  • wedding gift
  • wedding anniversary
  • wedding sweet
  • wedding bands
  • wedding cake
  • wedding ring
  • wedding planner
  • wedding banquet
  • wedding crasher
  • wedding dresses
  • wedding rings
  • wedding venue




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