swearing out───由宣誓而得到
bearing out───证实;支持
hearing out───听完
clearing out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续
sweating out───热析珠
weirding out───古怪的
beating out───搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽
dealing out───分给;分配
eating out───外出就餐
The car is wearing out.───这辆车已经开始磨损。
Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out.───每次看手表的时候,她都会想是不是电池没电了。
he felt his organs were wearing out.───他觉得自己的器官正在衰老。
Uncle Bob is wearing out his welcome here. Yesterday he left his clothes all over the floor, and today he broke the TV set.───Bob叔叔在这里不受欢迎:昨天把衣服弄得到处都是,今天又弄坏了电视机。
He was all smiles as usual and showed me that fashionable blazer that he's been wearing out to his matches.───他一如既往地笑着,给我看他穿出去比赛的一件新的衣服。
Naturally there is the physical wearing out of the body as well as the unnatural wearing out.───自然地身体会有物理的磨损,而且也有非自然的磨损。
Debt is subtracted from saving , as is depreciation--the wearing out of capital equipment that must be replaced out of saving .───负债是储蓄的减项,即贬值——资产设备的淘汰就需要通过储蓄进行更新。
In order not to appear fanatical by carrying on about global warming, waste and poverty, I'll share a bit about wearing out common goods.───为了不让自己以狂热的形象出现,同时展开一些关于全球变暖,浪费,贫穷的话题,我仅和大家分享一些关于完全消耗日常用品价值的看法。
This law, known as the law of entropy, applies not only to usable energy but equally to organization and things wearing out.───这是熵的法则,不仅适用于可用的能量,同样适用于用掉的能量、组织和事物。
The car is wearing out.
Double safety unit prevents screw tap from wearing out.
I was still wearing out the regulation Docs and the thick black jeans.
Grandma's body is wearing out, but her mind is as sharp as ever.
There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains, but that sympathy is fast wearing out.
But the Pentagon contends that aircraft and ships are wearing out and need to be replaced.
Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out.
The truth was that the crew, as well as Hsu Fu, was wearing out.
Now Jaq understood the function of that helmet he had seen the Governor wearing out at the spaceport under the open sky.
- wearing blue
- wearing out my shoes