

词汇 water table
释义 water table
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water tables───地下水位;潜水面;[建]泻水台;马路边沟

water taxies───水上滑行

altar table───祭坛桌

pier table───桥墩顶台

water cycle───n.水文循环;水上脚踏车

water gate───n.水闸;闸口

water gauge───水位表;水位标尺

water hole───水坑;小池塘

water rail───水轨


The level of the water table also fluctuates slightly with the season.───潜水面的高度也随着季节而稍有波动.

A ground water table reservoir is formed by complex processes of multiple geologic factors.───潜水面油藏的形成是多种地质因素共同作用的结果.

Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.───环保主义者称引流河水将导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。

Just above the water table, the pores are practically saturated.───稍高出潜水面的孔隙实际上是饱和的.

Spring rains had raised the water table.───春雨使水位升高.

The water table has been lowered by drought.───由于天旱,地下水位降低了.

table is falling. Temperatures rise year by year.───地下水位一直在下降,温度却年年上升。

The water table was probably just below the surface making tunnels highly unlikely.───地下水位可能仅在地面之下,这使得隧道变得十分不可行。

The saturated zone is bounded above by a water table.───饱和带的上界面为潜水面.

When water reaches the saturated zone beneath the water table , it oozes slowly downward, and laterally.───当水到达潜水面以下的饱和带时, 它就缓慢地向下和侧向渗透.

But how can we create such lake system with much lower ground water table?───但是我们的地下水水位那么低怎么能利用地下水再造出湖泊系统 呢 ?

Below the water table is the zone of saturation.───潜水面以下就是饱水带.

Below the water table at static equilibrium, hydrostatic pressure potential increases with increasing depth.───在水面以下,当静态平衡时, 静水压力随深度而增加.

The water table of this land has nearly dried up, and needs treatment.───这块地的地下水层已经接近干枯, 需要进行治理了.

However, the ground water table tends to descend, accounting for 62 % of the cities and regions.───但地下水水位总的发展趋势仍以下降为主,下降区比例高达62%.

The zone between the water table and the surface is called the zone of aeration.───潜水面与地表之间的地带称为饱气带.

The distance of the water table below the soil surface must be adjusted.───必须调整土壤表面以下水位的距离.

This lowers the water table and reduces soil alkalinization.───这可降低水位,减少土壤的碱份.

Already the water table is declining because of the pumping.───地下水位已经由于抽水而在下降.

Groundwater overexploitation rapidly reduced the water table and runoff as a consequence.───超采地下水导致地下水位下降,引起地表径流量显著减少.

Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.───环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。

Water table is a surface on which the presure is atmospheric.───潜水面是一个其表面上压力等于大气压力的面.


Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.

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