

词汇 washing up
释义 washing up
washing up发音



bashing up───重击(非正式);猛击(非正式)

cashing up───付清


smashing up───撞毁,击毁

washing out───冲刷;精疲力竭


casting up───呕吐;加在一起

dishing up───起锅,分盛;把食物装盘,盛在盘中端上

easing up───v.缓和;放松;减轻


Three hours later and she's washing up.───三个小时后,她在洗碗碟。

You should go washing up.───你该去清洗一下。

Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry?───我们该把洗好的衣物晾在哪里?

After the party, the mother needed some volunteers to help with the washing-up in the kitchen.───聚会结束后,母亲需要一些帮手去厨房洗碗。

Made of white EPDM rubber and cork, this soft tub was designed to be a simple option for outdoor fun, healing or washing up.───这个软软的浴盆由白色三元乙丙橡胶和软木塞组成,它的构思很简单,可用于外出游乐,治伤养病或是洗餐具。

After dinner John sat there will his feet up and let his wife do all the washing up .───晚饭后,约翰坐在那里休息,却让妻子洗刷所有的碗碟。

The way that my wife deals with this is to not put up with it, so I will be told off if I leave the washing-up or shout at the children.───我妻子对待这种情况的方法是不去容忍,因此,如果我忘了洗衣服或对孩子大嚷大叫,我就会挨骂。

He went downstairs where his mother and two sisters were washing up the tea things in kitchen.───他跑下楼梯,那是他的妈妈和两个姐姐正在厨房里清洗茶具。

Dispersants cut the oil as washing-up liquid cuts the grease on dishes, allowing oil on the surface to spread down into the water.───分散剂清除浮油的原理就如同洗涤液除去器皿上的油腻物一般,使海面的浮油沉入水中。


He is in the middle of washing up.

Do the washing up so that I can take it to the laundry.

It's your turn to do the washing up!

Can I help you with the washing up?

After lunch Elizabeth and I did the washing up.

She was at the sink, washing up the dinner things.

John's no better; he never does any washing up either.

Washing up before dinner is a good habit.

Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry?

  • washing line
  • washington redskins
  • washing up




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