speak slowly───慢慢地说
grow slowly───生长缓慢
rise slowly───缓慢上升
talk show───脱口秀;访谈节目
talk shows───谈话节目;脱口秀;(广播中的)答问节目
turn slowly───慢慢转
walk alone───独行
walk away───走开;离去
They walk slowly, and keep each other about 1 meter distance.───他们走得很慢, 相互间保持1米左右的距离.
He also told us to walk slowly and not to frighten the birds.───他还叫我们走慢点,不要吓鸟.
" In contrast, unhappy people shuffle their feet, take tiny steps, walk slowly, and slouch. "───“ 相反的, 不快乐的人总是拖着脚, 步子很小, 走得很慢, 一幅没精打采、萎靡不振的样子. ”
Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.───汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走.
Parents push carriages. Young men and women walk slowly, arm in arm, or hand in hand.───爸爸妈妈们推着婴儿车走, 青年男女臂挽着臂或手牵着手慢慢地走着.
Walk slowly like last time and see how beautiful the sky is.───像上次一样慢慢走,看天空有多美.
Walk slowly on the ice, otherwise you'll fall.───在冰上要走慢些, 要不然你会滑倒的.
The moon is very bright. Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.───月色皎洁, 汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走.
He takes one and we walk slowly down thecorridor.───他拿了一块,我们慢慢地沿着走廊网下走。
Camels being accustomed to heavy loads walk slowly.───骆驼——在口内负重惯了的——是走不快的.
She could but walk slowly with a stick.───她只能柱着拐杖慢慢地走.
You may advisably walk slowly.───你慢慢走较好.
Mr. Craven got up and began to walk slowly across the room.───克雷文先生站起来,在房间里缓缓踱步。
The hare can run very fast, but the turtle can only walk slowly.───兔子可以跑得很快, 但乌龟只能慢慢地走.
Us at 1 storm in anything apart from the outside to walk slowly.───1在暴风雪中我们除了慢慢行走外什么也做不了.
We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm.───除了慢慢走,我们什么也不能做.
In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'walk'.───在walk slowly中,副词slowly修饰动词walk。
I walk slowly into the playground.
They walk slowly through the halls.
So she began to walk slowly after him, in the direction he had gone, slowly, pertinaciously.
He left the hospital and began to walk slowly along the boulevard leading back to the centre of Perugia.
I stand up and begin to walk, slowly crossing the stage at an altitude of three feet.
You may advisably walk slowly.
But she might walk slowly, gossiping on the way, or even stop off at some other house to drink tea.
I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. Abraham Lincoln
Walk slowly on the ice,otherwise you'll fall.
- walk alonminsuprene
- walking stick
- walking up
- walked by
- walk tall
- walk up and down
- walking pace
- walk star
- walk master
- walk past
- walkie talkie
- walk by
- walk around
- walk then
- walk out without a word
- walked off
- walked through
- walk fast
- walked down
- walks swept
- walking onahole