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词汇 walk off
释义 walk off
walk off发音


离开; 走开; 使走开; 用走路来消除


walks off───离开;带走;用散步消除

wall off───用墙把…隔开

walked off───离开;带走;用散步消除

chalk off───粉笔

walls off───用墙把…隔开

whack off───用力敲掉

back off───后退;软化;减轻;卸下

call off───取消;依次叫名;叫走

fall off───减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退


A lot of sports walk off the court or field.───许多的运动,他们都是(在赛后)就直接离场的.

Sophie and Joel walk off happily licking their ice - creams.───苏菲和乔高兴地吃着冰淇淋,走开去了.

The day's really nice and we should walk off some of this food.───天气这么好,我们去走走,消化一下我们吃的东西.

Both men shake hands and walk off stage, still talking.───两个人握手,走开,仍旧谈话中。

The couple walk off, leaving the rose behind.───小情侣随即把玫瑰仍在身后,走开了。

Don't walk off with the idea that I like her.───不要随便有那种我喜欢她的想法.

He tried to walk off the annoyance his son gave him.───他想散散步驱走他儿子给他带来的烦恼.

His people said good - bye and watched him walk off toward the mountains.───他的族人和他 道别,看着他向山区走去.

He is determined to walk off some of his fat this week.───他决心在本周用走路来减少一些脂肪.

How can he walk off with the CD player in the daytime?───他怎么能在白天把激光唱机偷走 呢 ?

Can you really walk off from me like this without a word of farewell?'sobbed Chueh - hsin.───你就忍心这样默默无语地跟我告别? ”他抽泣地说.

I'll say good - by and walk off casual - like.───我这就告别,假装漫不经心地走开.

I used to walk off my headache.───我常常以散步来消除头痛.

Kavin finally made up his mind to walk off with Larry.───凯文终于下决心与拉里一同离去.

I went up to talk with her, but she just walk off.───我刚要上前和她说话, 她走开了.

Break out! Don't just walk off the edge like lemmings.───冲出来! 别象老鼠逃跑似的.

" Use everything and abuse me and then walk off.───" 东西用过了,然后把我大骂一通,准备拍拍起股走路了.

We'd like nothing better than to see him walk off with the big prize.───没有什么能比他轻而易举地获得大奖而更令我们欢喜的了。


She threatened to walk off the film set because of the conditions.

  • walk alonminsuprene
  • walking stick
  • walking up
  • walked by
  • walk tall
  • walk up and down
  • walking pace
  • walk star
  • walk master
  • walk past
  • walkie talkie
  • walk by
  • walk around
  • walk then
  • walk out without a word
  • walked off
  • walked through
  • walk fast
  • walked down
  • walks swept
  • walking onahole




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