Ian often wakes up early in the morning.───伊恩早上常常很早就醒来。
The witch wakes up early in the morning.───女巫一大早就醒了。
Jack wakes up early. He sees the beanstalk.───杰克很早就醒了,他看见了豆茎。
He only wakes up early on school days, other days he would not get out of bed until after 9!───他只在上学天早起牀,其它的日子他不过了9时都不下牀!
Samuel wakes up early and from his bedroom window sees the neighbor's roof covered with snow.───塞缪尔很早就醒了,透过卧室的窗户他看到隔壁屋檐被白雪覆盖。
When the clocks go back, President Medvedev said today, human bio-rhythms are disrupted. Everyone either oversleeps or wakes up early.───梅德韦杰夫总统表示,实施冬时令扰乱了人体生物周期,人们要么睡过头,要么早早起床,不知该如何对付时间。
He wakes up early in the morning while they are still asleep and hurries off to his office.───一大早家人还未醒,他就早早起床,急匆匆赶往办公室。
She usually wakes up early in the morning.───她通常一大早就起来了。
- wakes up early
- wakes up his parents