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词汇 waited so long
释义 waited so long
waited so long发音



batted along───快速前进

waited on───服侍;焦急地等待

write a song───写首歌

waited in a line───排队等候

and so on───等等;诸如此类

tagged along───紧跟;尾随

waited around───呆呆地等;空等


I'm not sure why Sun waited so long to introduce the changes, but they are welcome additions to the series of available helper methods.───我无法确定为什么Sun要等这么久才进行更改,但是对于可用的帮助器方法系列来说,这些更改是受欢迎的添加。

Humanity has waited so long to have a new conversation on these larger matters. Most of.───人类已经等待这些重大事项的新论述如此之久,我们大部分的集体意识都来自远久的过去,我们应该有些“新智慧”了。

fangs pressed softly; the pressure increased; the wolf was exerting its last strength in an effort to sink teeth in the food for which it had waited so long.───狼牙已经轻轻地扣在他的手上,压力感渐渐加强,那头狼正在尽最后一点力量把牙齿咬进它等待很久的猎物上。

He added that the change had been 'long overdue' but did not explain why he had waited so long.───他还说,“早就应该”更改情感状态了,不过他没有解释为什么等了这么久才改。

Our captive sat in the cabin opposite to the iron box which he had done so much and waited so long to gain.───我们的犯人坐在船舱里,面对着他千辛万苦费了多年工夫所得来的铁箱。

Zheng E revealed below that the deceased there in Australia said that they had waited so long for salvation, so she did it soon.───峥峨以下所说的是在澳洲的亡者说他们等待超渡已经等很久了,所以她才赶快将之做出来。

He said he'd waited so long that he couldn't stay any longer.───他说他已经等了这么长时间了,不能再等了。

But it would have been nice not to have waited so long for the Treasury to start firing on all cylinders.───但是如果财政部不需要等这么久就可以全速启动的话就更好了。

Oh~~waited so long, I thought the real thing was a fake, I thought it was a tool to break me down You prove me wrong again.───哦,等待已久,我以为真情是假爱我以为那是让我受伤的工具,你证明我错了。


He said he'd waited so long that he couldn't stay any longer.

The relief and expansiveness you will feel once you put aside all the dithering thoughts that are preventing you from acting now will make you wonder why you ever waited so long.

We have waited so long for him to be born, and such fine promises rest on his shoulders.

  • waited so long
  • waited by
  • waited at a red light say crossword
  • waited for
  • waited in




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