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volcanic rock───[岩]火山岩;火成岩;火山碎屑岩

volcanic bombs───[地质]火山弹

volcanic cones───[地质]火山锥

volcanic bomb───[地质]火山弹(指火山爆发喷出的圆形和椭圆形熔岩块)

volcanic cone───[地质]火山锥

volcanic glass───[地质]火山玻璃(又称松脂石,火山熔岩急冷时形成的天然玻璃);黑曜岩

volcanic pipes───火山筒

volcanic plugs───火山塞;火山颈

alkali rocks───碱性岩类


Today his land is a pile of jagged volcanic rocks. "We know the mountain will erupt again.───直到今天,他管理的这片城区上还是堆满了犬牙交错的火山岩石。

Subduction Record Earlier than arc volcanic rocks in the Sangri Group?───比桑日群弧火山岩更早的新特提斯洋俯冲记录么?。

Subsequent lava flows deposited volcanic rocks up to 20 meters (65 feet) thick in some places.───熔岩沉积物又使一些地方火山岩岩层厚达20米(65英尺)。

Volcanic rocks (along with other types) often contain small, deep holes, as if they had been repeatedly punctured with a needle.───火山岩(以及其他类型)通常包含小,深洞,如果他们曾多次用针头刺破。

Basic volcanic rocks occur in a relatively extensional environment. The magma comes from the depth with a depleted mantle nature.───其中,基性火山岩形成于走滑相对伸展环境,岩浆源自较深部,具亏损地幔性质;

Detailed geochronological study shows the mainly eruption ages of these volcanic rocks are Late Cretaceous- Paleogene.───年代学研究表明,乍得西南部盆地内火山岩的主体喷发时代为晚白垩世-古近纪。

Accurate identification of volcanic rocks in volcanic reservoir description and evaluation is an important basis.───火山岩岩性的准确识别是火山岩储层描述与评价的基础。

Achondrites are the only known samples of volcanic rocks originating outside the Earth-Moon system.───它们是目前仅知的地球-月亮以外的星空中形成的火山石样本。

Typical features of subaqueous volcanic rocks include perlite with glassy structure and pillow structure, lamellar tuff, bentonite.───水下喷发火山岩典型标志为珍珠岩、玻璃质结构、枕状构造、纹层状凝灰岩和膨润土。


Unlike most volcanic rocks, obsidian does not contain phenocrysts; it is, so to speak, all glassy groundmass.

Basalts are examples of basic volcanic rocks, while andesites are intermediate between basic and acid.

Fresh volcanic rocks are poor conductors of electricity.

Thus the volcanic rocks formed are drastically different from their oceanic counterparts.

These are frequently associated with volcanic rocks of oceanic type.

Volcanic rocks cool quickly, trap the argon, and so give good dates.

So volcanic rocks are composed of only a few mineral groups, each group having its own characteristic atomic structure.

Most volcanic rocks contain some phenocrysts - they are a bit like the pips in raspberry jam.

RioFinex examined the Ordovician volcanic rocks of County Tyrone for base metals but found only minor intersections of low-grade copper mineralisation.

  • volcanic glass
  • volcanic explosion
  • volcanic rocks
  • volcanic rock mud film




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