

词汇 voice control
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voice control发音



price control───物价控制

price controls───物价控制

volume control───[通信]音量控制;容量调节;卷控制

fire control───消防;火力控制;[军]射击控制

lose control───失控

seize control───夺取控制权

tone control───音调控制,音调调节


A new report suggests Apple will equip the iPhone 5 with voice control, giving the company a feature that could set it apart from the competition.───最新消息显示,苹果可能为iPhone 5加上语音控制功能,这将使苹果公司同竞争对手区分开来。

IPhones have recently been given new voice control abilities which could potentially be used on the new television.───iPhone手机最新的声控功能很有可能会被应用到这款新型电视机上。

But, if Apple integrates an advanced voice control system into iOS 5 exclusively for iPhone 5, the company may once again be forcing others to play catch up.───但如果苹果专门为iPhone 5将一套先进的语音控制系统整合进iOS 5中,它可能又一次迫使其竞争对手奋起直追。

Like Ford's Sync, Voice Control users will be able to simply say the title and artist of the song they'd like to hear.───像福特的同步,语音控制用户将能够简单地说的标题和艺术家的歌曲,他们希望听到的。

Voice control used in the automotive environment can liberate the driver's hands and eyes, and improve driving safety and pleasure.───语音控制应用于行车环境有助于解放驾驶员的双手和双眼,提高驾驶安全和驾驶乐趣。

His ' eureka ' moment was realising that Siri's voice control could be used to 'talk' to the set.───乔布斯的突破性发现正在成为现实,人们将能够使用Siri语音控制和电视“对话”。

It is programmed to look happy, sad, angry or tired at the touch of a button. . . or ever by voice control.───程序已设定了让它可以看起来有全讯网即时线路喜、悲、怒、累,只要按一下按钮……或者用声音控制。

If I wanted a half-baked voice control system, I could snag an Android phone for $49 at T-Mobile.───如果我想要一个半成熟的语音控制系统,我大可可以从T-Mobile购买一个价值49美元的安卓手机。

For BMW, it was all about making the voice control system safer.───宝马,它是让所有的声音控制系统的安全。


This voice control system is designed by composing of voice recognition, microcontroller and its peripheral system, works under the voice instruction.

Voice control, automatic control, laser matrix stroboscopic flash control.

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  • voice control
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