

词汇 venereal diseases
释义 venereal diseases
venereal diseases发音

n.性病,花柳病( venereal disease的名词复数 )



venereal disease───[性病]性病;花柳病

arterial disease───动脉疾病

tunnel diseases───隧道病害

viral disease───病毒性疾病;病毒病

Buergers diseases───伯格氏病

Hansens diseases───汉森病

Ménières diseases───半月板病

Pierces diseases───穿透疾病

Reiters diseases───雷氏病


This completely is stems from contraceptive and the prevention venereal diseases consideration.───这完全是出于避孕和预防性病的考虑.

Gonorrhea and syphilis are venereal diseases.───淋病和梅毒是性病.

Diseases that spread in this way include boils , abscesses, venereal diseases, and athlete's foot.───通过这种方式传播的疾病有疖疮, 脓肿, 性病和脚湿气.

Aids and some venereal diseases, which are called century fatal diseases, are now doing serious harm to international community.───被称为世纪绝症的艾滋病等性传播疾病正在极大地危害着国际社会。

Sometimes I just don't know how to communicate with them, " Zhang says. "I tell them that they might be infected with venereal diseases and need further checks, but they say, 'I don't care.───有时候我只是不知道如何和她们沟通,”张医生说,“我告诉她们说可能会感染上性病,需要进一步的检查,但她们说‘我不在乎,拿掉孩子就好’。”

Syphilis was the most feared of venereal diseases.───梅毒是最让人谈虎色变的一种性传播疾病。


Officially reported cases of gonorrhoea, syphilis and other venereal diseases now number more than 375,000, which surely understates things.

Gonorrhea and syphilis are venereal diseases.

This completely is stems from contraceptive and the prevention venereal diseases consideration.

Using emotional disorder rating scales, for example HAMA, HAMD, CESD, SAS, the depression and anxiety was assessed in 50 patients with venereal diseases, and compared with 50 health volunteer.

Diseases that spread in this way include boils , abscesses, venereal diseases, and athlete's foot.

The knowing rate of venereal disease route of transmission was 78.0%. The knowing rate of that venereal diseases may be spread by polluted bedding, closestool and turkish towel was 44.5%.

He told me he had had so many venereal diseases at this point that he knew to wash up immediately afterward.

The rules also require women be tested for venereal diseases that might complicate abortions.





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