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词汇 turn up for
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stuck up for───维护,支持;为……辩护

put up for───提出

puts up for───提出

stand up for───支持,坚持;拥护

stick up for───维护,支持;为……辩护

stood up for───支持,坚持;拥护

putting up for───支持


or so who turn up for Friday prayers made their supplications outdoors for a while, until cold weather forced them from one temporary room to another.───大约600人转而采取参加周五礼拜,在户外祈祷片刻,然而寒冷的天气迫使他们不得不一直寻找一间临时房间。

Fifa are investigating why thousands of fans failed to turn up for the opening matches of the World Cup in South Africa.───国际足联正在调查南非世界杯比赛开幕时数千球迷未到现场的原因。

There was this temp assignment i had started work on tuesday, but the next day i didnt turn up for work as i turned off the alarm clock.───曾有一个临时任务需要我在星期二开始工作,但是第二天我没有起来工作因为我把闹钟关了。

He also failed to turn up for a political debate, blaming Hurricane Irene. Mr Turner, who had been evacuated from his home, was ready.───他也没出席政治辩论,并怪罪于飓风艾琳,而特纳却早已从家中撤离,并开始准备。

'After that I started having them regularly - the beauticians never seem to be surprised when I turn up for more injections. '───自那之后我就定期去手术,美容师们看到我出现,也一点不会觉得惊讶。

After one epic night he went home alone, and failed to turn up for work the next day, or the next week.───在一个具有历史纪念意义的夜晚之后,他一个人回了家,第二天没有来工作。

British bookmaker William Hill has already offered odds that Jackson would not turn up for a run of concerts.───英国威廉・希尔博彩公司(WilliamHill)已经开放下注,认为杰克逊可能成为临场逃兵。


Two of the competitors failed to turn up for the race.

When he failed to turn up for training, he was relieved of his duties as captain.

A friend failing to turn up for a date may reawaken deep-seated fears of abandonment.

Martin's threatened to turn up for the wedding in his birthday suit.

He failed to turn up for the concert, disappointing the legions of fans waiting outside.

Only Sue and Mark bothered to turn up for the meeting.

One late autumn afternoon Snowy failed to turn up for his meal, so his master went out to look for him.

It would be irresponsible not to turn up for work without calling.

Oh yes, I had a gentleman turn up for some physio on his arm.

  • turnover intention
  • turn back to
  • turnover crust
  • turning gear
  • turnsole definition
  • turn up t
  • turnips cooking
  • turn up for
  • turn a deaf ear
  • turn a blind eye
  • turn grpainting
  • turn on not
  • turn now
  • turnips exchange
  • turned out to
  • turn fast
  • turn your head
  • turns back
  • turn red
  • turnip recipes
  • turn up man




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