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词汇 turning out
释义 turning out
turning out发音




burning out───烧尽(burnout的ing形式)

tuning out───解谐;调除

turfing out───扔掉(东西);赶走(人);甩掉

churning out───艰苦地做出;大量炮制

running out───惯性运动;跑号;惰转;流出

tiring out───使……十分疲劳;筋疲力尽

trying out───炼脂;脂肪熔炼

turning off───关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向;使失去兴趣

turning on───v.打开;发动;取决于;使兴奋;攻击


I rather wonder at your turning out such trivialities.───我有点不明白:你们为什么会制造出这种无关紧要的小东西.

Economists have long looked upon the process of turning out end products as a system.───经济学家长期将转变成最终产品的过程看作是一种系统.

British car workers did not earn nearly enough money to buy the products they were turning out.───英国汽车工人的工资远不足以购买自己制造的产品。

Our new factory is turning out large quantities of goods.───我们的新工厂正生产出大量商品.

The coach brushed him down for not turning out for training.───由于未参加训练,教练将他训斥了一顿.

Good night," I say, turning out the lamp.───晚安。”我说完后,就把台灯给关了。

Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.───意大利对日本队的比赛结果是一场出人意料地势均力敌的比赛。

I'm turning out the cupboard to look for a lost key.───我翻腾衣柜找丢失的钥匙.

I never feel like turning out on cold mornings.───在寒冷的早晨我总是不想起床.

What is Lenovo aiming with its " turning out in full force "?───联想 “ 倾巢出动 ” 意欲何为?

By competitive standards we should have been turning out 20 sets of harness a day.───照可以与别人竞争的标准,我们每天应该制成20副“马具”.

They concentrated their efforts on turning out more products of higher quality.───他们集中力量制造更多高质量的产品.

Today Tangshan is turning out large quantities of fine porcelain.───今天唐山已能生产大量的细瓷了.

But what is the good of turning out second - rate pictures?───可是只是画出些 二流 作品究竟有什么好处 呢 ?

He sat in the Miners'Arms until turning - out time every Friday.───每个周五他总要在矿工联谊酒店坐到打烊.

This university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens.───清华大学不仅在培养专家, 它也是在培育公民.

They went and foraged accordingly, hunting through every cupboard and turning out every drawer.───他们就这样去找,搜遍了每一个碗柜,翻遍了每一个抽屉。

They have been turning out great blades for 400 years.───他们生产优质刀片已经有400年历史了。


Many ex-international union players are still turning out every Saturday for junior teams.

Several students were turning out the classroom.

Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.

Ironically, all this international isolation is turning out to be good for us, mobilizing our energy and our national spirit.

Yes: the day was turning out well, despite the rain.

She'd be turning out like the blinking teaching nuns if she didn't watch it.

It is currently turning out the 146 high-wing short-haul airliner.

If he didn't become a telly millionaire turning out musical trash they could be flogged for a few pounds.

They have been turning out great blades for 400 years.

  • turning gear
  • turning back
  • turning down
  • turning me on




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