

词汇 try of
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try on───试穿;试验

cry off───取消前约;打退堂鼓

dry off───烘干,弄干

try out───试验;提炼;考验

wary of───adj.小心翼翼的;警觉的;谨防的

shy of───害怕(做);对(做)……有顾虑;对……畏缩;欠缺;不足;未达到,不够



It's time to try a change of tactic.───现在是改弦易辙的时候了。

Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.───我到达之前,想办法把你的客人打发走。

Try making a note of the things that annoy you.───试着把让你心烦的事记下来。

There is a great variety of food. You may have a try of a bit of everything, or make your own choices according to your particular taste.───食物的品种很多,您可以各式菜都尝试一下,也可以根据自己的口味来选择菜品。

As the adventurous try of the accounting disciplines, researches related with Accounting Aesthetics came into being.───作为会计学学科建设方面的大胆尝试,会计美学的相关研究应运而生。

The profit of huge market demand and high specified number anticipates make itch to try of capital of a lot of civilian battalion.───巨大的市场需求和高额的利润预期使很多民营资本跃跃欲试。

Integration management of construction project is a progress and anadventurous try of study of project management.───建设项目集成管理是项目管理研究的一次飞跃和大胆尝试。

For the first try of C3, I forgot a few lines on the stage, and I really lost my face!───第一次试着做C3时我在台上忘词了,真的很丢脸!

As a try of temperature indirectly measure of three-phase motor, it is an extension for soft sensors.───作为一种对电机温度间接测量方法的尝试,为软测量技术在电机控制方面拓宽了应用领域。


You could try of course, but after a colossal, tiring ridge-walk you would be a dingbat even to think of it.

But the Soviet Union managed to fashion the only try of the game at Hellfire Corner.

O'Donnell, though, ensured Munster had the last say by notching the province's fifth try of the game.

New Zealand held the lead for long periods and their frequent advantages depended on the only try of the match.

Last weekend they huffed and puffed at the unbeaten league leaders Wasps and were within one try of blowing them down.

As a try of temperature indirectly measure of three-phase motor, it is an extension for soft sensors.

But Saracens hit back with 2 penalties and the only try of the game, an up and under.

  • try that
  • trying to be a girl
  • trying to do sth
  • try try try
  • try one s best
  • trying to
  • try them all
  • try of
  • try nice
  • try me to
  • try againlater
  • try this
  • try to your love
  • try me best
  • try the rides
  • try it off
  • try one time
  • tryout for
  • try to fly
  • try l
  • try be early




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