

词汇 beyond any doubt
释义 beyond any doubt
beyond any doubt发音



beyond a doubt───无可置疑;毫无疑问

beyond doubt───无容置疑,确实地

beyond reasonable doubt───无合理怀疑

beyond a joke───开不得玩笑的;超出开玩笑的限度

beyond one's depth───深不可测

Cartesian doubt───笛卡尔怀疑

bed and board───食宿;夫妻关系;家

bend double───双弯

beyond dispute───无疑地;没有争论余地


Everyone has the urge to know that the Divine Exists, beyond any doubt in body, mind, or heart.───每个人都被推动来认知那神圣的存有,突破对身,意识,或者心的疑惑。

The significance of psychoanalysis to the film study is beyond any doubt.───精神分析学对于电影研究所起的重要意义是无可置疑的。

Yet, it is beyond any doubt that the book presents a biased and even unjust feature of the feminine.───然而,作品在女性形象塑造时存在的偏颇甚至不公正却是毋庸置疑的。

Beyond any doubt, China must on no account miss the present opportunity or make a wrong decision but must take a firm political stand.───因此,毫无疑义,中国万万不可放弃现在的时机,万万不可打错主意,而应该采取坚定的政治立常。

But what they do want, beyond any doubt, is a significant surrendering of some of his powers.───但是他们的希望,毫无疑问就是国王让出一些权利。

Thus, it is part of international terrorism and the target of the international fight against terrorism. It is beyond any doubt.───因此,它是国际恐怖主义的组成部分,也是国际反恐斗争共同打击的目标。

This year, the Beijing real estate market as a whole is to prosper, it is beyond any doubt.───今年北京的房地产市场总体而言是向旺的,这一点毋庸置疑。

But we've learned beyond any doubt that treatment in the developing world is feasible, effective, and increasingly affordable.───但是我们获悉,发展中国家的治疗毫无疑问切实可行、有效并越来越支付得起。

She must do so in such a way as to place the outcome beyond any doubt.───她必须这样做才能使事情的结果不致引起人们怀疑。


Such research is, beyond any doubt, of high importance to China, a developing country whose economy is built mainly on the employment by publicly-owned bodies.

Thanks to them we know beyond any doubt that no matter how hard we try, we cannot ever physically "see" anything except light.

But what they do want, beyond any doubt, is a significant surrendering of some of his powers.

But we've learned beyond any doubt that treatment in the developing world is feasible, effective, and increasingly affordable.

It can be hard to prove beyond any doubt that a vaccine is safe.

Coleridge's own feelings, on the other hand, were beyond any doubt.

It is beyond any doubt that the rapid growth of the internet gives people the impression that it is an answer to all questions, which, however, is not always the case.

His ability is beyond any doubt.

Regional economic integration is beyond any doubt a historical trend.

  • beyond me
  • beyond all question
  • beyond beauty
  • beyond amani
  • beyond eyes
  • beyond expectations
  • beyond dispute
  • beyond counting
  • beyond question
  • beyond any doubt
  • beyond the reach of




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