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词汇 consumer products
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[经] 消费品


consumer credits───n.[金融]消费信贷;消费品信用贷款

consumer groups───消费者团体

outer products───[数]外积;叉积;矢量积

consumer protection───消费者保护

consumer choices───消费者选择

consumer credit───n.[金融]消费信贷;消费品信用贷款

consumer goods───生活消费品,日用消费品

consumer group───消费者集团

inner products───内积(即点积)


Mezzanine capital for leveraged Acquisition and Recapitalization including manufacturing, consumer products and services, business services.───调节收购和重组的夹层资本投资的行业包括:制造业 、 费品和服务 、 业服务.

Most of the enforcement action taken consumer products in Europe has been on Chinese manufactured goods.───大部分经欧洲裁决后强制执行的措施都是针对中国生产的产品.

Again, Cisco's consumer products have a common platform.───值得一提的是, 思科消费电子产品也采用同一平台.

South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.───今年,韩国消费产品的进口激增了33%。

Converted consumer - products plants filled many military orders.───转产后的民用品工厂忙于生产军用物资.

Consumer products are those that are directed to ultimate consumers.───消费类产品是指直接面对终端消费者的产品.

Chinese exports to Chile are working - Intensive goods, mainly, such as textile, technology, and other consumer products.───中国对智利出口则以劳动密集型商品为主, 如轻纺 、 工艺等消费类产品.

That covers many consumer products.───这涉及到许多消费产品.

This problem is not limited to fast-moving consumer products.───这一问题不只局限于那些迅速消耗的消费品。

Founded in 1837 , Procter & Gamble is one of the largest consumer products companies in the world.───保洁公司创立于 1837年, 是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一.

The use of sales promotion is not limited to consumer products.───促销手段的运用不仅仅限于消费品,它也可以用于工业销售.

Electromagnets find frequent application in research, industry, medical, and consumer products.───电磁铁在研究, 工业, 医学, 和消耗品上有广泛的应用.

However, in the world of consumer products and services, attractive user interfaces are typically appropriate.───然而, 在消费产品和服务的世界中, 通常吸引人的用户界面是有意义的.

Software has become a key source of new consumer products and services.───软件成为新的消费类产品和服务的核心来源。

The program certifies hundreds of consumer products for energy efficiency.───该计划对数百种消费产品的能源效率进行认证。

Most of them are still in IT, telecommunications and consumer products.───他们大多数仍然以IT 、 通讯和消费产品为主.

Traditional market research techniques are most advanced in consumer products fields.───传统的市场研究技巧主要着重于消费性产品.

the limitless variety of consumer products───种类繁多的消费产品


The boom was fuelled by accelerated demand for consumer products.

  • consumer expenditures
  • consumer price index
  • consumer electronics show
  • consumer demand
  • consumer cellular login
  • consumer credit




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