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词汇 consumer credit
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consumer credits───n.[金融]消费信贷;消费品信用贷款

confirmed credit───保兑信用状;保兑信用证

consumer unit───供电箱

confirmed credits───保兑的

consumer products───消费品

consumer spending───消费性开支;消费者开销

consumer choice───消费者选择

consumer goods───生活消费品,日用消费品

consumer group───消费者集团


In the development of consumer credit, efforts will be made to prevent potential risks.───发展消费信贷也要防范潜在风险.

Consumer credit expansion will increase upscale retail as well as value and standard retail.───扩大消费信贷将增加高档零售业务同时增长经济型和标准品牌的零售.

Mortgage is one kind of consumer credit . There are many risks becausea lot of reasons.───个人住房按揭贷款属于消费贷款的方式之一,受各种因素的影响,不可避免地很大程度上存在着各种风险.

Outstanding consumer credit is just 3% of GDP.───目前的信用消费只占GDP的3%。

The National Retail Federation cited consumer credit woes when it predicted holiday sales will fall 1 %.───全美零售商联合会(NationalRetailFederation)在预测今年的假日销售额将下降1%时,就将消费者信贷余额收缩列为了理由之一.

New consumer credit fell to $3.7 billion in August.───8月份新增消费信贷降至37亿美元。

Luckily, consumer credit reports are translated into easy - to - read formats.───幸运的是, 消费者的信贷报告转化成通俗易懂的形式.

Therefore consumer credit risk management an important problem that commercial bank must pay close attention to.───因而,如何做好消费信贷的风险管理成为各个商业银行必须关注的问题.

The longest maturity of a petty consumer credit is one year.───小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年.

In addition, consumer credit card deposit money, check out when they have to pay fees now.───另外, 消费者存入信用卡里的钱, 在取出时要支付取现手续费.

What is the existing regulatory framework for consumer credit data sharing?───现行的机制怎样规管共用个人信贷资料?

The dissertation, which is dealing with the consumer credit contract, contains four parts.───本文是关于消费信用合同若干问题研究的硕士论文.全文共分四大部分.

Consumer credit has evolved from the base of commercial credit.───消费信贷是在商业信用的基础上形成和发展起来的.

What kind of consumer credit data can be shared by financial services organizations?───财务机构可共用甚麽个人信贷资料?

Corporate lending and parts of consumer credit, such as credit cards and car loans, are wobbly.───公司贷款和部分消费者信贷,例如信用卡和汽车贷款,都不稳定。

As the amount of consumer credit increasing, many problems and risks are revealed.───随着消费贷款规模的不断扩大, 该项业务中存在的问题和风险也逐步暴露出来.

New consumer credit fell to $3.7 billion in August.───月份新的消费信贷下降至37亿美元。


Commercial credit lines are similar to consumer credit lines, with which most individuals are familiar.

New consumer credit fell to $3.7 billion in August.

The Consumer Credit Association expelled six companies for contravening their rules.

So far building society inroads into consumer credit have been small.

Regulations under the Consumer Credit Act will of course ensure that accurate cost information is available for all forms of credit.

Figures from consumer credit group, Infolink, confirmed government findings.

In October, total consumer credit increased a revised $ 11. 4 billion.

Measures to prevent the competitive liberalization of consumer credit will encounter the heaviest resistance.

Personal bankruptcies and consumer credit defaults are also at record levels.

  • consumer expenditures
  • consumer price index
  • consumer electronics show
  • consumer demand
  • consumer cellular login
  • consumer credit




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