traded up───买更高价的东西;使熟悉某一行
train up───训练,培养;充分训练
trains up───训练,培养;充分训练
training up───训练,培养;充分训练
bailed up───强迫停止;举手投降
cried up───v.夸奖;推崇
dried up───adj.干缩的,干枯的
fried up───把食物煎热一下;热干;炸坏
Sometimes getting too trained up in something Narrows your vision.───有时候在某一方面的训练过于充分会让人的视野变得狭隘。
All the technical staff are trained up to a high level of efficiency.───训练的所有技术人员均具有高水平的工作效率。
The child was trained up in a good school.───这孩子曾在一所较好的学校里受过教育。
"You just need to look and observe, " he said. "Sometimes getting too trained up in something narrows your vision. "───“你只需要抬头观察,”他说。“有时候在某一方面的训练过于充分会让人的视野变得狭隘。”
With all our people trained up to use the same Best Practices we - and they - have many more options in terms of career mobility.───我们用同一个最佳实践培训出来的项目队员以及我们自己,在职业的灵活性上都有更好的提升。
Grapes: A vine provides shade and looks ornamental trained up walls and across the roof of a conservatory.───葡萄:葡萄藤能够提供阴凉,而且会顺着墙或温室的屋顶形成景观。
It has also trained up teams of engineers, technicians and accountants to help run its offices.───同时,公司也提供工程师、技术人员和会计师队伍的培训以帮助办公室的运作。
A wizard. A good one, I'd wager, once you're trained up.───一个巫师。这要再受点训练你一定会成为非常厉害的巫师。
The attention span can also be trained up via this great lacing game.
The child was trained up in a good school.
- trained manpower
- trained on