to story───故事
toy store───玩具店
sob story───非常悲伤的故事
to store───存储,存入
to store up───储存
to storm───暴风骤雨
to story line───到故事线
official - Woody and Buzz Lightyear are on their way back to cinemas after Disney confirmed that Toy Story 4 is in the works.───正式公布啦——自迪斯尼确认《玩具总动员4》已在制作中之后,胡迪和巴斯光年就在重回电影院的路上了。
Co-director John Lasseter revealed at D23 that "Toy Story 4" would be a love story between Woody and Bo Peep.───玩具总动员4》联合导演约翰·拉萨特在D23博览会上透露影片将以牛仔胡迪警长与牧羊女宝贝的爱情故事为主轴。
Hank recently mentioned in a BBC video interview that Toy Story 4 is going to happen.───汤汉克最近在英国广播公司(BBC)视频采访时提到,玩具总动员4正在酝酿之中。
Toy Story 3 is better than How to Train Your Dragon. Although Shrek 4 isn't shown , the DreamWorks had lost to Pixar.───这部影片着实不错,虽然《史莱克4》没上映,但是梦工厂的《训龙高手》是已经败给了皮克斯。
In limited release overseas "Toy Story 3" sold about $45 million.───在有限制的海外发行中《玩具总动员3》售出4千5百万票房。
- toy dogs collect stamps
- toy rabbit
- toy bus
- toy theater
- toy robot
- toy lemon
- toy shop
- toy bears
- toy story 4
- toy animals
- toy aeroplane
- toy rabbits
- toys for kids
- toy robots
- toyota hilux
- toy bee
- toy car
- toy trains
- toy story 3
- toy kingdom
- toy grade