

词汇 to well
释义 to well
to well发音



to dwell───停留

to swell───膨胀;肿胀

to wall───贴墙

to weld───焊接

to welk───是哪个

to welt───全世界

to will───致威尔

to upwell───向上涌

hot well───温泉


I nodded back and felt the tears begin to well up.───我回应地点了点头,感觉眼泪开始涌出。

I have known him too long and to well to be a fair judge.───我认识他太久,跟他也处得太熟,因此很难做个公正的判断人。

Let's give a round of applause to well-known Jay Chou.───让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎周杰伦。

The cash flow of the past and present should be able to well reflect the value and bankrupt probability of the company.───过去和现在的现金流量应能很好地反映公司的价值和破产概率。

When Hunter noticed how well cared for and well dressed he was, he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents.───亨特注意到他穿着讲究,象是受到良好照管的样子,他想这一定是有钱,有身份人家的孩子。

I used to. . . Well, I've never been a great reader.───我曾经还…好吧…我从来都算不上一个读者。

Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes, as he spoke.───弗兰克冲大伙做了个鬼脸,可在他说下面话的时候,眼中却不禁起了泪水。

Such an administrative structure seems to well solve the insufficiency of primary care and inefficiency of special care at present.───这样的管理结构从目前来看较好的解决了初级卫生服务供给不足和专科卫生服务效率低下的问题。

He said her behaviour and acceptance of him proves the boars do not need to be feared because they are not a threat to well-meaning people.───他说这头母猪的行为和对他的接受也证实了我们不需要害怕野猪,因为他们对饱含好意的人类是没有任何威胁的。


Following filing system to well record stock count documents.

The cost of the trip amounted to well over £500.

This idea was plainly contrary to well established rules and was swiftly dismissed.

Tears begin to well up in Hisui's eyes.

The young could number anything from two to well into double figures.

From before Pearl Harbor to well past V-J Day, LIFE magazine published dozens of issues featuring WWII-themed covers.

Add egg yolks and cream to well.

The mountains here rise to well over 2,000m.

The Printer Driver SWIs , used to well aid the use of the Parallel port for printing.

  • told you so
  • tortoise and the hare
  • to put on
  • tome unlocks
  • to step up to the bar
  • to the left of
  • too close
  • to mr
  • to big box
  • took effect
  • to travel
  • to may baby
  • tower of strength
  • to the west of
  • to approve
  • to want me
  • took shape
  • tolerated cld
  • to sue
  • to get him
  • to say happy




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