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词汇 touching story
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running story───连载故事

touching down───降落;着陆;攻方持球触地得分

touching off───触发;勾划出;使炸裂;草草写

vouching for───担保;保证

backing store───[计]后备存储器;存储器回填;辅助存储器;将存储备份

cucking stool───n.马桶椅,浸水刑凳

ducking stool───n.浸水椅(一种旧时刑具)

gouching out───挖出

housing stock───住宅;现有公屋单位数目


A very touching story, share with you!───很感人的一篇文章,分享给你!

Because there is a very touching story about it.───因为有一个非常感人的关于它的故事。

It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.───那是一个让我们许多人落泪的动人故事。

The brook is murmuring as if it were telling a touching story.───小溪流淌,好象在诉说着一个动人的故事。

I came across a touching story that changed me a lot and I'd like to share it with you all.───有一个感人的故事,对我的触动很大,愿与大家共同分享。

Hearing the touching story, she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief every now and then.───听了那个动人的故事后,她不时地用手帕擦一擦眼睛。

This warm and touching story of the old, will be permanently in the heart of our collection. It is the spiritual side of the Pure Land.───这个温馨动人的老故事,将会永久在我们心底珍藏。它是心灵的一方净土。

A very touching story , the most luck for the crouching girl is she still can see where the Beep- Pager laid during the bad earthquake .───一个非常感人的故事,幸运的是女孩在地震蜷缩时,当时的地理环境,传呼机还放在它能看见的地方。

It was a touching story about the unconditional love that exists between dog and his owner.───我写的是个非常感人的故事,关于一条狗和他的主人之间无条件的爱。


Stalactite consisting of a variety of landscape, the story is very touching story.

Sonia shared a very touching story with the group.

Ascham, in The Schoolmaster a touching story of his last visit to Lady Jane Grey.

It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.





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