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词汇 total output
释义 total output
total output发音

总动力,总生产率; 总产量



to output───输出

total budget───全面预算

total payout───支出总额

entire output───全部输出

retail outlet───零售商店;零售门路

total control───总量控制;全面控制

industrial output───工业产出;工业产值

gross output───[工经]总产量

to outpity───to outpity


In contrast, emerging economies' total output has jumped by almost 20% over the same period.───相反,新兴经济体的全部产出在过去这段相同的时期内则上涨了20%。

One twentieth of the total output was exported.───产量中有二十分之一出口.

Each output can within current range. But total output power can't exceed rated load.───各输出可达最大电流, 但总负载不可超过最大输出功率.

The gross national product ( GNP ) measures the total output of goods and services a given year.───国民生产总值 ( gnp ) 标志着一年内生产出来的商品和服务的总和.

First , plasticizers are modern plastics industry biggest auxiliary species, for Plastic Additives 60 % of total output.───增塑剂是现代塑料工业最大的助剂品种, 占塑料助剂总产量的60%.

Structure coefficient of total output B 5.───结构系数的总产出的b5.

China already became horological production big state, total output jumps house world the 3 rd.───中国已成为钟表生产大国, 总产量跃居世界第三位.

The total output is double that of last year.───总产量是去年的两倍.

of the total output was exported.───产量中有二十分之一出口。

Between 1932 and 1936, total output rose by 37 percent.───在1932年和1936年期间总产量增长37%.

Her total output in Japan including later re - issues and compilations numbers nearly 800 videos.───她总共出版了接近800部影片,这些影片还包括后期再版的.

The total output of aquatic products was 45.13 million tons, up by 3 percent.───全年水产品产量达4513万吨, 增长3%.

The total output value of the agricultural sector was 21.41 billion yuan, up 9.7 percent.───农业总产值214.1亿元, 增长9.7%.

Study of aggregate economic behaviour such as total output, economic growth, inflation and unemployment.───对总体经济现象如经济增长率 、 通货膨胀、失业和总产出等方面的研究.

The total output of grain for the whole nation was over 490 million tons.───全年粮食总产量达到4.9亿吨以上.

Directly calculating the total output and value - added by basic material.───利用基础资料直接计算该行业的总产出和增加值.

The total output of pears in the village has reached one million tons.───该乡的黄梨总产量高达一百万吨.

Shale now accounts for about 20% of U.S. gas production, but total output is expected to quadruple in coming years.───如今,页岩天然气占美国天然气总产量的20%。在接下来的几年中,总产出有望翻两倍。


The total output is double that of last year.

  • total depth
  • total ige
  • total lift
  • total graded at
  • total amount due
  • total sugar
  • totality and infinity
  • total communication
  • total phase
  • total tax
  • total net
  • total of
  • total darkness
  • totally different
  • total income
  • totality defined
  • total recall
  • total consumption
  • total fee
  • total paid
  • total control




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