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词汇 top brass
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top brasses───高级军官;要员;顶部轴衬

to grass───草

top class───顶层级;最高级

tape grass───n.苦草


to harass───骚扰

top boots───长统靴

top cats───猫老大(动画片名)

top coats───快干甲油


Plenty of top brass attended the ceremony.───有很多大官儿出席了典礼.

The top brass turned thumbs down on the proposal.───这位大官不同意这项提案.

The bank's top brass are not likely to agree to this investment.───这家银行的高管不大可能同意这项投资.

Apparently, all the company's top brass, from Lord Stokes downwards, agreed.───很明显, 该公司的所有高级官员, 以斯托克斯勋爵为首,一直往下, 全都同意.

Snake : I follow the President and top brass. I'm ready to die for them if necessary.───我听从总统和要员们的指示,如果需要我准备为他们献身!

Thus goaded, the top brass launched an unusually serious attack.───在这样的压力下,巴军高层发动了一次异常激烈的进攻.

senior Russians, especially the top brass, are growling in response.───高层,尤其是高级军官,给以激烈反应。

The top brass could stuff all their radars, detectors, and what have you.───那些军中要员可能把他们所有的雷达 、 探测器什么的全都塞进来了吧.

brass in Brussels, or Paris, can talk as much as they like.───布鲁塞尔或巴黎的那些厚脸皮尽可以信口开河。

We'd better get the place tidied up; the top brass are coming tomorrow.───我们最好把这个地方收拾一下, 上级长官明天要来.

He had been suddenly plonked on top of all the existing already heavy top brass.───他也是一下子被提升到已经臃肿的上层机构中.

Iacocca got to be the top brass at the Chrysler auto company?───因为他最愿意接纳新的主意,并且试验这些新主意.

He seldom hid his differences with GM's top brass, often phrasing his protests in barnyard epithets.───他和通用公司高级主管之间意见不合时也并不隐瞒,而且抗议的言词毫不客气, 常常用到乡下的骂人话.

But the thought of an enemy lurking in battle fighting systems alarms the top brass.───在战斗系统中潜伏着敌人一直警醒着高层.

To defuse future rebellions, reshuffling the top brass may be necessary.───为了消除未来的反叛, 或许有必要对高级军事领导层进行改组.

For the top brass, computer technology is both a blessing and a curse.───对这位要员而言,计算机技术是赐福也是诅咒。

I'll see what I can do to get the top brass to agree.───我会看看有什么方法可以让高层主管同意.

They are the top brass of steel industry.───他们是钢铁工业界的大亨.

I can call my top brass.───我可以找我的上级.

The top brass of the company approved the request.───公司的最高层主管核准了该项请求.


The top brass are coming in from Washington to see how we do things here.

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