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词汇 top and tail
释义 top and tail
top and tail发音




tooth and nail───拼命,竭尽全力

to detail───详细说明

to entail───包含

show and tell───展示说明;表演秀

toss and turn───辗转反侧;翻来覆去难以入睡

topgallant sail───顶帆

fore and aft sail───前后帆

boat tail───n.[航]船形尾部,导弹尾部

land rail───陆上铁路


Not so two walruses, all alone when we came across them lounging at the edge of an ice floe; both male and dead-weight huge, lying top and tail, comfortable, sleepy, their dignity somehow intact.───两头海象却落落大方,它们都是雄性,体型庞大,舒服地躺在冰面上打瞌睡,而它们的优雅不减分毫。

or runner beans, top and tail them, slice them if they're chunky and mix them with three times their weight in salt.───四季豆或红花菜豆,如果很粗壮的话可以切断,然后把它们放在三倍重量的盐中。

Jenny helped her mother to top and tail the gooseberries for jam.───詹尼帮助母亲摘去鹅莓的根叶做鹅莓酱.

They both are male and dead-weight huge, lying top and tail, comfortable, sleepy.───它们都是雄性,体型庞大,舒服地躺在冰面上打瞌睡。


There is no need to top and tail them.

There will be four engines in operation with two trains to push, pull, top and tail, and double-head.

Lengthier ones such as those in support of specific discovery are not suited and the standard part becomes little more than the top and tail.

Peel off the tough outer skin of the silk squash, or top and tail the courgettes.

Top and tail the beans.

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