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词汇 tie with
释义 tie with
tie with发音


用…捆扎; 与…得分一样多


live with───忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居

did with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处

in with───同…友好相处

toy with───玩弄;不很认真地考虑

tie in with───与...一致;配合

tie up with───和...有密切关系

trifle with───玩弄;视同儿戏;心不在焉地做


We often drew a tie with our rivals.───我们常常与对手打成平局.

You have stained your tie with coffee, haven't you?───你的领带沾到咖啡, 对不封?

Also there is a blue tie with golden dragons all over it.───还有一条印有许多金龙的蓝色领带.

I can wear a red tie with a pink shire if I want to. What of it?───我愿意的话,我可以扎红色领带,穿粉红色衬衫, 那又有什么不行 呢 ?

The Russian will be in his executive box for today's fifth - round tie with Norwich.───俄国人会在自己的总裁包厢里观看今天足总杯第五轮对阵诺维奇的比赛.

This put Kazakhstan in a tie with Thailand for third place in the boxing medal count, behind Cuba and Russia.───这使得哈萨克斯坦和泰国在拳击奖牌榜上并列第三位,仅次于古巴和俄罗斯。

So he wore his tuxedo shirt and tie with a pinstriped charcoal - gray suit.───于是,他就用一件炭灰色细条纹的套装配上衬衫和领带.

Strengthen the tie with revenue departments. Coordinate with External Auditors to obtain the information concerned.───加强与财税等部门的联系, 协调外部关系,取得有关信息.

Michael breaks the tie with Prost for most career wins having 52 wins against Prost's 51.───迈克尔以52个冠军打破了普罗斯特保持的职业生涯获胜最多的51次胜利的纪录.

Johnson will miss this weekend's FA Cup tie with Stoke City after playing against Manchester City in Middlesbrough in the third round.───约翰逊在米德尔斯堡德第三轮上场对阵曼城之后,将会缺席本周末对阵斯托克城的足总杯赛。

He was wearing a whit tie with black stripes.───他戴着一条黑条纹的领带.

He dabbed at the spot on his tie with a napki|n.───他用餐巾快速擦去领带上的污点。

Do you think he'd prefer a tie with spots or stripes?───你认为他喜欢斑点领带还是条纹领带?

Self fabric waist tie with two belt loops on back.───自织物腰部有两个并列的回带循环.

Can I wear this tie with my blue shirt?───我穿蓝衬衫能系这条领带 吗 ?

Tao! Come here! --- Male freshmen looking for friendship tie with dormitory.───镜头3:“涛, 过来看! ” - 大一男生找连谊宿舍.


Much of the spaceframe of the TIE/D comes from the standard TIE, with additional armor plating, twin laser cannons, and rectangular solar arrays for additional power needs.

Can I wear this tie with my blue shirt?

Echo might add a slightly too-short tie with a faintly prep-school crest to a nylon parka and camouflage trousers.

Keeshan wore a striped tie with a matching pocket handkerchief.

He was wearing a whit tie with black stripes.

He loosened his tie with his free hand.

Cholesterol granuloma has a close tie with cholesteatoma and secretory otitis media as well as idiopathic hemotympanum.

I can wear a red tie with a pink shire if I want to. What of it?

He dabbed at the spot on his tie with a napkin.

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