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词汇 tidies up
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tidied up───收拾,整理

rides up───(衣服等离开了原来的位置)缩上去

ties up───占用;包扎;绑好;缚牢;阻碍;密切联系;合伙;停泊

divides up───瓜分;分割;分配

divvies up───分摊

tidying up───收拾,整理

bids up───v.抬价

cosies up───亲近……

cries up───v.夸奖;推崇


When your partner tidies up around the house.───当你的伴侣收拾家务的时候。

Helen tidies up her room every day.───海伦每天整理她的房间。

After bringing the letter to his cousin, Peter comes back home and tidies up his room.───把信带给堂兄以后,彼得回家收拾他的房间。

The first time you visit your boyfriend's place, he no doubt tidies up, to give you the illusion that he doesn't live like an animal.───当你第一次到你男朋友的住处去的时候,他毫无疑问会整理一下房间,从而给你一个他不像动物一样生活的假象。

The arty animal picks up the brush in his mouth before creating a rough draft and then tidies up the painting, leaving onlookers stunned.───这只满身艺术气质的山羊口衔画笔,先打底稿,再加以修饰完善,整个过程让人惊叹。

Really, how long security hadn't urged that he tidies up the thing to leave, opens the fine jade to have to act accordingly.───果然,没多久保安上来催促他收拾东西走人,张琦只好照办。

This equipment is extensive to used for food processing plant, food warehouse etc. unit tidies up to go to miscellaneous.───本设备广泛用于粮食加工厂、粮食仓库等单位的清理去杂。

"You are to still have words have to mention with me? " She sees discern a mirror behind and conveniently tidies up own cilia.───“你不是还有话要同我说么?”她看向后视镜,顺便整理自己的头发。

Tidies up in the medication ingredient has the harm chemical element.───整容的用药成份里有有危害的化学元素。


The Supreme Court's judgment is expected in a few months, probably around the time that the Law Commission, a body that tidies up the statute book, comes out with its own proposals for change.





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