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词汇 tidal flats
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tidal flat───[海洋]潮滩;潮汐平原;潮汐舱内甲板;潮汐滩

alkali flats───n.碱滩

signal flags───n.信号旗;手旗

studio flats───一室的公寓房(等于studioapartment)

national flags───n.国旗

optical flints───光学燧石

animal fats───动物脂;动物油脂

mud flats───泥滩,滩涂(mudflat的复数)

pedal boats───[船]脚踏船;水上单车


Coastal intertidal zone is rich of land resources, particularly in coastal estuaries and muddy tidal flats.───沿海滩涂有丰富的土地资源,尤其是河口和淤泥质海岸的潮滩。

It also deals with the tidal flats and the mangrove swamp beaches around Dar es Salaam.───讨论了达累斯萨拉姆附近潮坪及红树林沼泽滩。

There are always wide tidal flats in most estuaries, especially in Qiantang Estuary.───大多数河口特别是钱塘江河口,往往存在宽广的潮滩地。

Lijiang River flows to xing ping, where the river and its tributaries, Kihei confluence, forming a broad surface area and tidal flats.───漓江流至兴坪,在这里与其支流熙平河汇合,形成了面积宽阔的水面和滩涂。

The fact of ownership of tidal flats is the ownership of land not only has a solid historical basis but a sound support from empirical law.───滩涂所有权是土地所有权有着深厚的历史基础、也有着实证法的支持。

Lands , forests , mountains, grasslands, wastelands and tidal flats that shall be in the ownership of collective as provided for by law ;───法律规定属于集体所有的土地和森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂;

Inorganic Nitrogen Fluxes at the Sediment-water Interface in Tidal Flats of the Yangtze Estuary───长江口潮滩沉积物-水界面无机氮交换通量

Temporal and spatial heterogeneous characteristic of profile configuration of Tiaozini alongshore tidal flats in Jiangsu───江苏条子泥岸滩剖面形态的时空异质性

Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of the macrobenthic community on tidal flats of Tianhe, Wenzhou Bay───温州湾天河滩涂大型底栖动物群落分布与季节变化


From this apprenticeship to nature on tidal flats, I knew the strength of the environment in controlling cycles of marine life.

  • tidal current




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